Photo Credit: Flash 90
Cave of the Patriarchs, Hebron

“They… spied out the land…and arrived at Hebron where there (lived)…the offspring of the giant…They (the spies) returned after spying out the land (of Israel) at the end of 40 days…They…said…the people that dwells in the Land is powerful, the cities have massive and big walls (Numbers 13: 21-28)”

Ancient City of Hebron: The wall on the left is a remnant of the one mentioned in Numbers 13. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

My tourists often ask where my favorite place in Israel is to guide.   As a licensed tour guide whose heart is tied to the entire land, it is difficult to pick a favorite because I love it all!  However, if I really had to choose, there are two places that have the deepest meaning for me; Tzfat and Hebron, where we will be touring today (click here to see my sample tour video of Hebron).   Although slightly more visited than some of the sites I have written about, most groups still do not come here.  Those that do, usually only visit the Cave of the Patriarchs (click here to read more about that special site).  Today, we will venture off the beaten track and visit Biblical Hebron, one of the world’s oldest and holiest cities!


Hebron is mentioned 87 times in the (Hebrew) Bible.  When Abraham entered Israel, he settled in the plains of Mamre, which is in Hebron.  He built an altar to G-d and spread Monotheism from this holy location (Genesis 13).

Plains of Mamre in Hebron where G-d made an eternal covenant with Abraham and his descendants (i.e. the Jewish people) At this location, Abraham gave hospitality to the three angels (Genesis 18)


In Hebron, the Jewish nation came into existence.  At the age of 99, Abraham was commanded by G-d to circumcise himself.  Because of this action, an eternal covenant was sealed between G-d, Abraham, and his descendants (where they became “Chosen”).  G-d also promised him a son, Isaac.

The Patriarch Abraham making an eternal pact with G-d in Hebron


Three days later Abraham, still in pain from the procedure, had three angels appear to him.  According to Jewish sources, G-d wanted Abraham to rest.  He knew that Abraham felt a strong obligation to be kind to people, and he did not want Abraham to have to toil while he recovered.   So, G-d caused the temperature that day to be extremely hot (see Genesis 18:1) so that people would not wander around and “bother“ Abraham.  However, G-d noticed that Abraham not being able to show and do kindness for others caused him more pain than his physical ailments!   So, G-d sent three “men” who unbeknownst to Abraham were actually angels.

Stairs which Abraham himself  likely used many times his life


Abraham and Sara, Isaac and Rivka (Rebecca), and Jacob and Leah lived much of their lives in Hebron, and all of them are buried there at the Cave of Machpelah (for more, click here).

Cave of Machpelah where the Patriarchs and Matriarchs are buried.


After the Exodus from Egypt, the Children of Israel were supposed to enter Israel within a short period of time.  When they were ready to enter, Moses sent 12 spies to check out the land and learn about the inhabitants they would have to defeat.  They visited Hebron, where they witnessed imitating giants (remnants of the Nephilim) and the formidable city walls which protected them.

After 40 days, they returned to the Israelite camp.  Ten of the spies convinced the people that the land was unconquerable, while 2 of them (Joshua and Caleb) had faith in G-d and said “The land is very, very good!  If G-d desires us, He will bring us to this land and give it to us (Numbers 14:7-8)”.  But the people panicked and wept heavily.  As a punishment for their lack of faith (expected at their high spiritual level), the children of Israel were destined to spend 40 years in the desert, where that generation would eventually die off, and only their children (anyone 19 or under) could enter the land.  According to Jewish sources, this decree did not apply to women or the tribe of Levi (including its men) who 40 years later entered the land (they had not taken part in the “rebellion”).   As a reward for speaking in support of entering the land immediately, Joshua later became the one to lead the Jews into the Holy Land, while Caleb and his descendants received ownership of Hebron and its environs as an eternal heritage (Joshua 15:13).

House from the time of King Hezekiah and the Prophet Isaiah (around 2600 years old)


During the days of the Judges and Monarchy, Hebron continued to be an important Jewish city (both religiously and administratively).  In fact, during the first 7 years of King David’s reign, this holy city was Israel’s de facto capital, until an important event occurred which would change the course of world history!

To be continued…

Did you know that you can now actually tour Hebron from the comfort of your own home as if you were actually there?  Check out my new, Hebron tour video, where we will explore this incredible city’s many historic alley ways and Biblical sites on a guided tour.  Check out the free sneak preview tour video from a Biblical worldview perspective: Trailer

Relive Hebron with Nosson Shulman on your very own private luxury Israel tour. To experience Israel from the comfort of your own home see our new Virtual Tours including our new released Hebron Tour.

Please visit the author’s Israel tour guiding site:

(All images used are either free usage or properly licensed by the author)

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Nosson Shulman, veteran tour guide makes Israel come alive for you.; [email protected];