Photo Credit: unsplash

I knew that Uber drivers carry a rating based on the score their passengers give them. But I never knew that Uber passengers are also rated!

On a scale of 1 – 5, my Uber drivers had left me with an average of 4.77. I was mortified. Why not a perfect 5 stars? What did I ever do to offend a driver? I was always punctual, courteous, and clean.


With the proliferation of technology, rating others has become easy and common, from rating your doctor or lawyer to posting reviews of restaurants and hotels. But rating others, especially if it will affect their income and reputation, is not necessarily the correct thing to do.

A college student recently asked me about the permissibility according to Jewish law of contributing to the website She had a negative experience with a professor and wanted to know if it violates the laws of lashon harah, gossip, to give the professor a poor rating on the website and to warn others not to take her.

Rating others may be fraught with halachic questions and we need to weigh them carefully before indulging in the rating game. That choice is ours. Being rated, however, whether on Uber or elsewhere, is usually out of our control. Though we may not ask to be evaluated by others, perhaps we can embrace our ratings and use them to be motivated and inspired to improve.

When I saw my less-than-perfect Uber rating, I immediately consulted Uber’s website and, as if they were writing to me, it says:

Very few people have a perfect rating, so don’t despair if your average isn’t 5.0. Things that seem small to you can matter to your driver – it’s easy to accidentally slam a door if you’re not thinking about it. Knowing a little more about the things that affect a driver’s happiness can help you be a 5-star rider.

I felt a little better, but I also became determined to raise my rating. Each subsequent Uber ride, I’ve waited for the driver on the curb to ensure he or she doesn’t wait, I have consciously closed the door gently, and I have made a concerted effort not to talk loudly on the phone.

I don’t know if my rating will improve, but I do know that my behavior and sensitivity improved simply as a result of the acute realization that I was being evaluated and scored by others.

In May, a couple in Portland, Oregon had a nightmare experience when the Amazon Echo in their home recorded their private conversation and sent it to one of the people in their contact list that they were talking about. The company acknowledged the glitch and said it happened because of an unlikely string of events and they were looking into it.

We each have something infinitely more powerful than an Amazon Echo recording us, not only in our homes, but everywhere we go. The Mishna says: “Keep your eye on three things, and you will not come to sin: Know what is above you: An eye that sees, and an ear that hears, and all your deeds are written in a book” (Ethics of the Fathers, 2:1).

If you wouldn’t want what you are saying recorded, simply don’t say it, because it is being recorded and it’s contributing to the rating of the kind of person you are.

Accessing your Divine rating isn’t as easy as finding your Uber rating, but just knowing that He is watching, listening and scoring all that we do should motivate us to want to constantly improve and strive for a 5 out of 5.

These days leading up to the High Holy Days contain great mercy and Heavenly favor. They’re a time of pardon and appeasement each year. God reaches out to us and invites us to confront what we have done throughout the year to lower our rating. We take stock of the insensitivities, hurts, failures and shortcomings and we take responsibility for them and commit not to repeat them.

When He senses our sincerity, God resets our rating and lets us start off the year with a perfect score, challenging us to maintain it. That’s a gift Uber doesn’t offer. Let’s take advantage of it.


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Rabbi Efrem Goldberg is the Senior Rabbi of the Boca Raton Synagogue (BRS), a rapidly-growing congregation of over 950 families and over 1,000 children in Boca Raton, Florida. BRS is the largest Orthodox Synagogue in the Southeast United States. Rabbi Goldberg’s warm and welcoming personality has helped attract people of diverse backgrounds and ages to feel part of the BRS community, reinforcing the BRS credo of “Valuing Diversity and Celebrating Unity.” For more information, please visit