Photo Credit: Aron Spielman
“Jews For Trump” founder Aron Spielman and President Trump in April 2016.

It was the day after President Donald Trump was impeached. A frum singer who goes by the name of “Nachas” decided to make a video:

In front of approximately 40 frum boys, he asked his smartphone, “Who is the president of the United States?” The smartphone replied, “Donald Trump is the president of the United States.” Upon hearing the news, Nachas and the kids erupt in loud cheers and jump for joy.


The whole video is just 13 seconds, but it drew the attention of the Twitter account “Jews For Trump,” which posted the clip online. “I posted it last Thursday late night…not even dreaming of 1,000 views,” the account’s administrator told The Jewish Press. When he woke up, 50,000 had seen it, he said.

And then, at around 2 p.m. that Friday afternoon, the video struck Twitter gold: President Trump himself retweeted it to his 70 million followers.

Aron Spielman, the founder of “Jews For Trump,” said the account’s follower count spiked by more than 50 percent as a result of the video. “It went from 16,000 to 25,000, and it’s growing every day,” he told The Jewish Press. The video currently has 140,000 likes and has been retweeted 45,000 times.

Spielman, a chassid who co-founded the Orthodox Jewish Public Affairs Council, says he started the account almost immediately after Trump announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015. “I’m a huge fan of the president,” he said.

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