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For those of you who have not yet had a chance to act yet, Please ask the Ohio Medical Board to permanently revoke Dr. Kollab’s medical license.  Dr. Kollab’s social media postings from 2011 through 2017 (just a year ago) express vile antisemitism, support Hamas terrorists, call for violence against Jews, declare that “our aim is to defeat the Zionist state through force,” call Jews despicable names such as “dogs” and Nazis and “the spawn of Hitler,” and complain that Jews live too long.  Most frighteningly, Kollab revealed her dangerous, evil intention to abuse her medical training (received from Jewish-affiliated Touro medical school) to give innocent, unsuspecting, vulnerable American Jewish medical patients dangerous wrong medications which could kill them. Canary Mission, an important, dedicated group that exposes Jew-haters’ social media posts, catalogued and posted screenshots of Dr. Kollab’s despicable tweets, which we urge you to read, including this one: “hahha ewww..  Ill [I’ll] purposely give all the Yahood [Jews] the wrong meds.”

(Also see ZOA’s initial Action Alert for further information.)


Contact Information for the Ohio Medical Board:

Telephone: 614-466-3934

Email:           [email protected]and [email protected]

Website for filing Complaints:

Address:     State Medical Board of Ohio

30 E. Broad Street 3rd Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215-6127

Richard A. Whitehouse, Esq., Executive Director

Fax:              614-728-5946

Please send copies of your communications and any response to ZOA at [email protected].

Update 1:  On Friday, ZOA joined together with the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) to file a formal complaint with the Ohio Medical Board, seeking permanent revocation of Dr. Kollab’s license.  The ACLJ-ZOA formal complaint details Dr. Kollab’s ethical and legal violations which warrant permanent revocation of her license. (See the complaint here.)

ZOA and ACLJ are discussing additional possible actions regarding this and similar situations in which Islamist medical professionals deliberately threatened to harm or murder, or actually harmed innocent patients. ZOA welcomes your input regarding this.

Update 2:  This weekend, Dr. Kollab issued a purported “apology” through her attorney.  This non-apology was really simply an occasion for her to spread further antisemitic libels against the Jewish people!  

The major part of Kollab’s purported “apology letter” falsely maligns Jews as unjust, brutal oppressors and occupiers of “my [her] ancestral land” [meaning the Jewish homeland].  She failed to retract the content of her antisemitic, hateful statements.  She failed to repudiate her praise for terrorists, Hamas and BDS.  Instead, she argued that due to her “lack of life experience,” she didn’t express her “intense feelings” [meaning her hatred of Jews and the Jewish state, and desire for their demise] “constructively.”

Kollab apparently now thinks that it is “constructive” to falsely accuse Jews living in the Jewish homeland of engaging in “brutal” “oppression” and “occupation,” in her “apology letter.”

Dr. Kollab’s purported apology also oddly argued the she made the statements between 2011 to 2017, when she was in her teens and twenties.  But she is still in her twenties (27 years old) now!

Kollab also misleadingly said: “These posts were made years before I was accepted into medical school, when I was a naïve, and impressionable girl barely out of high school.  I matured into a young adult during the years I attended college and medical school, and adopted strong values of inclusion, tolerance, and humanity.”

Kollab’s hateful statements are not “ancient history.”  Her extreme Jew-hating public social media posts continued through just a year ago.  The Canary Mission listed ninety-four 94 (!) of Kollab’s hateful public statements (many with screenshots) calling for violence against Jews, maligning Jews and praising Jew-killers, etc., continuing throughout the 6-year period when Kollab was in college and in a Jewish-affiliated medical school.

Kollab’s repeated expressions of unbridled bile and calls for violence against Jews, and her frightening, inexcusable statement that she would give all Jews the wrong medications, are thus not mere youthful indiscretions by someone who then demonstrated that his/her character had changed, by living an exemplary life for several decades.

Kollab ended her letter saying: “I pray that the Jewish community will understand and forgive me.”  We at ZOA do not forgive someone who still, in what she labels as an “apology,” continues to propagandize against and malign the Jewish people, not to mention that proclaiming her desire to harm and murder Jews, is so horrific that one can never accept her phony apology.

And even if some people are willing to forgive her, no one should ever trust her to practice medicine after her horrendous statement that she will give all Jews the wrong medications. 

This matter reminds us of the non-apologies issued of Imams preaching to murder all Jews in mosques in New Jersey, North Carolina, Texas and California.

Here, Dr. Kollab’s statements can be summed up as follows:  I’m going to poison all the Jews.  Kill all the Jews.  Kill all the Jews.  Kill all the Jews.  Jews are dogs and Nazis.  Yay, Hamas! Oops, Sorry you were upset.  I should have expressed it better.  Jews are brutal oppressors.  And if you Jews don’t forgive me, you’re heartless.”

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The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is the oldest and one of the largest pro-Israel organizations in the United States. The ZOA works to strengthen U.S.- Israel relations and continues to be on the front lines of Jewish activism.