For me, most striking about this volume is how many of the articles tell the story of individual teachers and role models instead of the story of Yeshiva College as an institution. Indeed, one of the great strengths of Yeshiva has always been that as a small college our students were intimately exposed to the warmth, caring, and valuable counsel of their teachers, rebbeim and administrators.

We have been graced by a cadre of roshei yeshiva who deeply believed that the highest levels of Torah can be taught in America.In addition to their superior levels of Torah knowledge, the roshei yeshiva described in this volume, and countless others who are still waiting their due publicity, were inquisitive intellects who inspired their students to be inquisitive and use their Torah knowledge to make real contributions to society.Although each vignette is of great value on its own, when the articles in this volume are viewed together as a unit, they become all the more significant. As a unit, the snapshots found in this volume depict not only the growth and development of Yeshiva College, but the emergence of a strong, proud and vibrant Orthodoxy.

While it is true that “ken zein a lawyer” – Yeshiva offers an excellent education that provides a wide array of career opportunities – the school does much more than that. It shapes lives, molds opinions and provides training and guidance for many of the leaders of the Jewish community.


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Rabbi Gil Student writes frequently on Jewish issues and is the publisher and editor-in-chief of His latest book is "Search Engine – Volume 2: Jewish Leadership."