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“In eighth grade it was really easy but this year there is a lot more homework and a lot of tests,” said Naomi. “Sometimes when I want to go to the gym during the week I have to prioritize and I might have to skip it because I have to study for a test.”

Because Naomi typically gets home from school at around 6 p.m. she does the bulk of her training on weekends. Her favorite subjects in school are biology and world history and she does her best to find time to socialize, often spending Shabbos with friends. Saturday night sleepovers are, unfortunately, a no-go.


“I can’t because I have to lift in the morning,” explained Naomi.

What does a teen powerlifter eat?

“I don’t really have a specific diet,” said Naomi. “I just eat pretty healthy and I don’t eat a lot of junk. I eat a ton of vegetables, protein shakes and protein bars.”

Naomi currently stands 5’3 ½ inches tall and her training regimen includes dips, curls, triceps workouts and sit-ups. She can bench press approximately 110 pounds, dead lift just over 300 pounds and at her last meet in January she squatted 303 pounds.

“When they calculate these figures they figure out your body weight and how many times over your body weight you are lifting,” said Mrs. Kutin. “For my husband, lifting that amount is not such a big deal but Naomi weighs about 119 pounds so for her that is really a lot.”

Naomi’s parents dubbed her “Supergirl” early on in her training and her fan club can often be heard cheering her on by that name during her meets. A documentary by the same name is currently in the works, a three-year-long effort that shares Naomi’s journey as she learns not only about muscle power but also about her own strength of character. On her Supergirl Facebook page, Naomi describes the film as being about family and growth, noting that it addresses the inherent conflict involved in breaking down barriers while maintaining traditions and strong belief systems.

Despite Naomi’s accomplishments as a powerlifter, she is extremely well rounded and the Kutins are hands-on parents who are diligent in making sure that their children are focused, first and foremost, on being good people who utilize their G-d-given talents and abilities in positive ways. Naomi is a Friendship Circle volunteer who also works as a shadow and actively participates in a school program that arranges partnerships with a high school for girls with special needs.

“Every week they have a lunch buddy and they sit together,” said Mrs. Kutin. “A lot of kids don’t have the patience but Naomi has such a love of chesed. She and Ari both have big hearts and you can see it when they compete and in their everyday lives. I am so glad to be their mother and so proud of them both.”

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Sandy Eller is a freelance writer who writes for numerous websites, newspapers, magazines and private clients. She can be contacted at [email protected].