Photo Credit: Jewish Press

What About Rubella?

Many “anti-vaxxers” believe children who had the measles don’t need to be vaccinated against it.


What they are forgetting is that the vaccine in question is the MMR, which stands for measles, mumps, and rubella. In other words, the vaccine is for three diseases. Just because a person had the measles does not mean he or she is immune to the mumps or rubella.

When a pregnant woman contracts rubella, the consequences to her child can be devastating. He or she may suffer from a lifetime of multiple disabilities. Whether or not this child will be a talmid chacham will be the least of the parents’ worries.

Readers may think: But rubella has been largely eradicated in the world! Why should I worry?

Well, because… how many people do you know who have taken bargain plane flights to Israel with a stopover in “some unique place”? All that’s needed is one case of rubella to infect one traveler for an outbreak to occur. We saw what happened when one case of measles was introduced into an unvaccinated population. Can we really be sure that rubella won’t wreak similar havoc?

Please prevent a tragedy waiting to happen by getting vaccinated!

Ruth G.


Maybe Try a Different Strategy, Madam Speaker

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi recently accused President Trump of engaging in a “cover-up,” which she said may be an impeachable crime. She then said she didn’t know why the president walked out of a meeting about America’s infrastructure.

It seems she doesn’t understand that calling the president of the United States a criminal is not the best way to conduct business or a budget negotiation.

Arthur Horn
Fort Lee, New Jersey


De Blasio… For President?

“Bill de Blasio for President” belongs in the comics section. He follows a long tradition of New York politicians who have had presidential ambitions: Governor Nelson Rockefeller (1959-1974), Mayor John Lindsay (1966-1973), Mayor Ed Koch (1978-1988), Governor Mario Cuomo (1983-1992), Governor George Pataki (1995-2006), and Mayor Rudy Giuliani (1994-2001).

De Blasio, however, will never come close to winning any primaries, let alone occupy the White House. His time would be better spent packing for his move back to his old Park Slope, Brooklyn, home when his term ends in December 2021.

Larry Penner
Great Neck, NY


Two Great Pieces

Last week’s Jewish Press had two pieces that warmed my heart. The first was the front-page editorial, “Never Again,” that began with the perfect words “Our so-called Jewish leadership.”

It’s no secret that Democrats have taken a hard left turn and no longer champion issues important to the Jewish people. Bravo to The Jewish Press for an honest and meaningful call to action.

The second piece was a letter from reader Max Wisotsky, “Hypocrisy on Steroids,” which took Jewish Democrats to task for their unrelenting, blind hatred of President Trump. His letter did a far-better job than I’ve ever done describing the pettiness and vitriol of the Democratic Party.

Beware, my brethren, beware.

Myron Hecker


Don’t Buy The Times

While previous and present Jewish reporters at The New York Times have attempted to absolve The Times of anti-Israel bias – which sometimes borders on anti-Semitism – the evidence against it is overwhelming.

I can only hope that a new owner and leadership will take over the paper. In the meantime, subscribing to the New York Times should be a no-no.

Nelson Marans
New York, NY


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