President Isaac Herzog Slams Iran’s ‘Empire of Evil’ in Historic Saudi TV Interview

"If we confront [Iran's empire of evil] and be tough together, we surely can hope for a better future and create a NATO-like structure in the region that blocks radicalism."

Turns Out the Saudi Crown Prince Couldn’t Care Less about the ‘Palestinians’

An Atlantic report quotes Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud (MBS) as saying, “Do I care personally about the Palestinian issue? I don’t.”

Iran Denies Report of Israeli Operation on Its Soil that Carried Out Assassinations and...

Maybe the nice folks at Tasnim and Tehran Times should meet to coordinate their lies. But don’t use your beeper – send out a homing pigeon.

Saudi Arabia: No Normalization with Israel Without Palestinian State

“The kingdom will not stop its tireless work towards the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital."

Member of Saudi Royal Family: No Normalization with Israel before November 5

Bin Salman indicated to visiting members of Congress recently that he is putting his life at risk by even having contacts with the US and Israel.

Israel’s Allies Warn Against Massive Retaliation for Iranian Attack

We are not seeking an all-out war, but we are prepared with a high degree of readiness to repel any threat – and then also exact a price."

Netanyahu Waiting Until After US Presidential Elections to Pursue Normalization with Saudi Arabia

Netanyahu allegedly discussed the issue with President Joe Biden during their recent meeting at the White House.

9/11 Masterminds Reach Plea Deal to Evade the Hangman

The process has been complicated by legislation prohibiting the government from transferring Guantanamo Bay detainees to the continental United States.

Saudi-Israel Normalization Unlikely Before US Elections

Riyadh is also waiting for a ceasefire in Gaza before potentially signing on to the Abraham Accords.

Saudi Arabia Joins Nations Urging Citizens to Leave Lebanon

Saudi Arabia’s advisory came after Iran's UN Mission in New York announced that “all Resistance Fronts” would fight Israel if war broke out with Hezbollah.

Israel Issues Warning on Arab Nations Connected to Terrorist Financing

The list includes the “Council of the United Arab Emirates,” and the members of the Gulf States Council, also known as the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) which brings together the following six countries in the Gulf: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar.

US Offers Saudis Huge Defense Treaty, Insisting Israel Must Be Dragged into It

God help us from Americans pursuing visions. They tend to be lethal.

Gantz’s National Unity Party: No to ‘Palestinian’ State for Saudi Normalization

Israeli Minister Benny Gantz's party does, however, want an "international civilian governance mechanism for Gaza" that includes "Palestinians."

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman, 88, Has Pneumonia

The Saudi monarch, 88, will undergo antibiotic treatment for the "lung inflammation," SPA reported.

Saudi Arabia Reportedly Cracking Down on Anti-Israel Voices

The series of arrests is driven by security concerns connected to Oct. 7, according to Riyadh-based diplomats and human rights groups.

State Department: No US-Saudi Defense Pact Without Israel Normalization

“This is a package deal,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said of the components of a Saudi-Israeli agreement. “None go forward without the others.”

Khamenei Pushes Back on Israel-Saudi Normalization

“Some people think that by forcing neighboring countries to normalize their ties [with Israel] the problem will be solved. They are wrong,” said the Iranian leader.

US Renews Effort to Forge Israeli-Saudi Peace Deal in Exchange for ‘Palestinian’ State

The White House is offering the Saudis a formal defense treaty, civilian nuclear plants, and a chance to boast that they got Israel to agree to a “Palestinian” State.

Iran’s Appearance of Power a ‘Mirage’ After Failed Attack, Says Saudi Analyst

“In the Arab world and in Iran, we’re hearing words of ridicule for the poor capability of Iran’s missiles,” a prominent Saudi commentator said.

Saudis say Iran Instigated Gaza War to Sabotage Israel Normalization

“Iran is a nation that endorses terrorism, and the world should have curtailed it much earlier," a member of the royal family told Hebrew media.

Saudis, Emiratis Shared Intel about Iranian Attack with US, Israel

The Arab states were initially hesitant to share the information, fearing Iranian reprisal, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Efforts for Saudi-Israel Normalization Continue

Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer is scheduled to meet the Saudi ambassador to Washington in pursuit of an historic agreement.

Update: Saudi Embassy Apologizes After US Delegation Member Ordered to Remove His Kippah

"No one should be denied access to a heritage site, especially one intended to highlight unity and progress, simply for existing as a Jew."

US Pushing Normalization with Saudis in Exchange for Israel Pulling Out of Gaza

All the Jewish State has to agree to is erect two terrorist enclaves on its borders.

It’s On: US and Arab States Pushing Timeline for Palestinian State

Who knew that’s all the Arabs needed to do? Kill a thousand-plus Jews, get a state.

Saudis: No Palestinian State No Normalization

The normalization of relations with the Saudis was one of the carrots the Biden administration has been dangling before the Israeli leadership.

For Biden and the Arabs, Gantz Is the Bulwark Bringing Bibi Down

Mrs. Tzila Netanyahu did not raise a fool, and Bibi, who will turn 75 next October, is hoping to weather even the tsunami of October 7.

Axios: Arab Officials Meet in Riyadh to Hand Gaza Over to ‘Revitalized’ Palestinian Authority

The Saudi, Egyptian, and Jordanian security officials said the Palestinian Authority must undergo substantial reforms to reinvigorate its political leadership.

US Working on Grand Regional Deal to Create ‘Palestinian’ State and End Israel-Hamas War

The plan also envisions normalization between Israel and the Arab world, the release of captives and a new regime in Gaza.


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