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9/11 attack on Twin Towers.

More than anything else, the attack on the Twin Towers that we commemorate today symbolizes the end of 2000 years of Western civilization. This date, as it turns out, is also the Hebrew date on which the Oslo Accords were signed.

On the day that the Twin Towers fell, I was in New York and watched the dramatic events unfolding from up close. That week, I wrote an article called, “America Already Lost”:


America has been trapped by the same weakness that has overcome Israel in recent years. It is trapped in a false notion of power, making it incapable of identifying the enemy and fighting it. Consequently, America will lose the battle in the same way Israel now loses.

In the coming months, we will see a lot of military planes take off and land. We will see destroyers and missiles, and millions of tons of TNT exploding in the Iraqi desert and in Afghanistani caves. They will kill thousands of innocent people, but in the end America will lose – because it failed to identify the true enemy.

I wrote the above words 13 years ago. Obama’s current mobilization against ISIS is even more ludicrous and does not stand a chance. At this point, we are much closer to the essential defeat of the West that began on 9/11.

The phenomenon of Islamic suicide bombers made its premier appearance after the signing of the Oslo Accords. From the terror attacks in Jerusalem, this ‘novelty’ spread throughout the world, climaxing on 9/11.

To understand the world-wide process that is taking place, Israel’s central role and the tools we need to win, read the following analysis, written when nobody had ever heard of ISIS.

This article was published in Moshe Feiglin’s book, The War of Dreams

19 Elul, 5763 /September 17, 2003

It is amazing how the Israeli media ignored the tenth anniversary of the Oslo Accords. One would think that the media, always looking for hot topics, would not be able to get out of summarizing and analyzing the significance of the horrifying decade that Israel has suffered since the Accords were signed. But, no. The people pulling the strings of Israel’s media marionettes have no intention of building themselves a defendant’s bench, a place where they clearly have reserved seats.

The 13th of September passed like any other day. Nobody in Israel stopped to draw conclusions, and the fateful Accords continue to claim their daily pint of blood with ever growing lust.

But the 11th of September, the day that the Twin Towers collapsed, merited serious attention. September 11th threatens no one, so Israel’s citizens were treated to a number of media summaries and learned analyses on the massacre in New York.

Both the Israelis and the Americans have a blind spot: Without September 13th, September 11th would not have happened. The Oslo Accords brought about the destruction of the Twin Towers. Without the abominable handshake between Rabin, Arafat and Clinton on September 13, 1993, the Twin Towers would not have collapsed on September 11th, 2001.


The Oslo Accords are usually defined as peace accords that were established to bridge a physical disagreement as to the ownership of a particular parcel of land. That definition is a smoke screen that the “enlightened” public cannot seem to do without. Even the mystery of the attack on the Twin Towers, bereft of any territorial dispute or military or national conflict was defined within the parameters of the blind Western dogmas of tangible discord. The secular perspective can deal with territorial conflicts that can be solved within the narrow confines of the Western worldview. The Americans needed a state and army against whom to fight and Sadaam supplied the merchandise. The Israelis needed a state and army with whom to make peace, so they brought Arafat and provided him with a nation, army and state.

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Moshe Feiglin is the former Deputy Speaker of the Knesset. He heads the Zehut Party. He is the founder of Manhigut Yehudit and Zo Artzeinu and the author of two books: "Where There Are No Men" and "War of Dreams." Feiglin served in the IDF as an officer in Combat Engineering and is a veteran of the Lebanon War. He lives in Ginot Shomron with his family.