Home InDepth Op-Eds Amnesty’s “Apartheid” Report: Recycled Tropes in the Guise of Research

Amnesty’s “Apartheid” Report: Recycled Tropes in the Guise of Research

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On February 1, Amnesty International posted a 200+ page publication singling out and targeting Israel as an “apartheid” state, in the NGO-led campaign to delegitimize and isolate Israel, based on the action plan of 2001 Durban NGO Forum. Although Amnesty officials repeatedly referred to the document as “original research” extending over 4 years (or 3 in other cases), an examination of the contents reveals this to be a collection and repetition of the verbal contortions and discredited claims largely copied from other NGOs with the same agenda.
In particular, the Amnesty text (Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians: Cruel System Of Domination And Crime Against Humanity) recycles the accusations, distortions, tropes and specific language from the Human Rights Watch version, A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution published in April 2021, and analyzed by NGO Monitor. The overwhelming similarity between the two documents highlights the symbiotic and self-affirming relationship between the members of the anti-Israel NGO network and their methodology of recycling discredited tropes and misinformation.Both publications consist primarily of the following themes:

  • Antisemitic tropes such as Jewish “supremacy” or “domination”
  • An artificially constructed and incoherent definition of the term “apartheid”
  • Exploiting the apartheid framework while falsely claiming not to be comparing Israel to the South African system
  • Singling out Israel uniquely and without comparison to other countries (an example of antisemitism according to the consensus IHRA working definition)
  • Deleting the history and the context of the conflict, including Palestinian terror and war crimes
  • Recommendations of sanctions and other punitive measures to isolate and delegitimize Israel, in accordance with the 2001 Durban NGO plan of action
  • Rejection of Israel’s identity as a Jewish state and the denial of the Jewish people of the right to sovereign equality and self-determination (an example of antisemitism according to the consensus IHRA working definition)

Examples of Similar or Identical Language:


{Reposted from the NGO Monitor site}

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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/opinions/amnestys-apartheid-report-recycled-tropes-in-the-guise-of-research/2022/02/10/

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