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In Australia, BDS is already facing a legal challenge as the Israel Law Center moves to prove it is a racist entity.
Jews worldwide proclaim unity, and standing together.  Synagogues of all denominations, community centers, butcher shops, from Beverly Hills to Johannesburg, Sydney to Moscow, Jews all over the world proclaim a support of Israel.  Despite this ideal, the world over, Israel faces pressures.
Shamefully, $30 Million Dollars annually is raised by the New York based New Israel Fund to harm Israel.  This organization, which proudly boycotts Israel must be stopped.  So too must their donors stop funding this heinous organization.
Questions for Supporters of the New Israel Fund:
Israel is the sole democracy in the Middle East – how can you sleep at night knowing that Israel is surrounded by enemies devoted to her destruction and you give them comfort by funding NIF?  This means you: Alisa Doctoroff & Karen R. Adler and the Jewish Communal Fund.
The United Nations has stood against Israel since the founding of the State.  Recently, the United Nations issued a report on Operation Protective Edge, claiming may have “committed war crimes” – and many of the documents on which they based their reports came from the NIF. Israel has the most moral army in the world – The U.N. Human Rights Council that commissioned the inquiry does “everything but worry about human rights.”  We ask The Leichtag Foundation, Barbara & Eric Dobkin, Yaffa & Paul Maritz how can you help the UN if you claim to care about Israel?
The extremist organization granted hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to organizations – including B’Tselem, Breaking the Silence, Adalah, Physicians for Human rights & Hamoked: Center for Defense of the Individual – that published reports and NIF funded organizations lead the campaign to delegitimize the Israel Defense Forces, supplying information on which the International Criminal Court investigates and makes claims.  Last month, former IDF Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz “escaped arrest for war crimes” in London. Israel was unable to receive diplomatic immunity for Mofaz – and similar situations have happened in the UK to former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni former Shin Bet head Avi Dichter, Moshe Ya’alon, Dan Meridor, and others.  Israel’s war effort was widely supported by the left, center and right of the Israeli political spectrum, how can American Jews such as Dr. Gabor T. Herman,  William & Serra Goldman and the Olive Bridge Fund actually finance NIF who is anti-IDF.
In 2010, Judge Richard Goldstone, who wrote the Goldstone report which “infuriated Israel and Jewish communities around the world” was essentially banned from his grandsons’ bar mitzvah at a synagogue in Johannesburg, South African due to anger about how his report treated Israel. In America, the time has come that major donors to New Israel Fund must be held responsible for their actions.
Arthur & Edith Stern, Julia Greenblatt, Bonnie & Marty Tenenbaum, Elisabeth and Gareth Turner, David Hochberg – The blood of our brothers and sisters in Israel is crying – stop funding The New Israel Fund.
We stand with Republican Sheldon Adelson, and Democrat Haim Saban who said in opposing boycotts “when it comes to Israel, we are absolutely on the same page.” We stand with the head of the Knesset Economics Committee chairman Eitan Cabel (Zionist Union) who noted that the government needs to “…put together a broad international front to prevent the new war that is upon us: the boycott war.” We stand with actress Scarlett Johansson who stepped down as “global ambassador” of Oxfam due to their boycott of Israel was also around the precise issue of the comments of Orange’s CEO.
We stand with Likud and Labor, Shas and Yisrael Beitenu, Republican American Jews and Democrat American Jews, Haredim and secular Jews in opposing all forms of boycotts against Israel. Donors to the New Israel Fund must stop harming Israel.


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