Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

The United States House of Representatives deserves applause for unanimously passing this week two bipartisan resolutions aimed at stopping the Palestinian Authority from inciting hatred and violence against Israelis and expressing concerns over growing anti-Semitism in Europe.

According to reports, the resolution condemning Palestinian incitement was sponsored by Representatives Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R ) and Ted Deutch (D ). The resolution calls on Europe to fight anti-Semitism and provide more security for its Jewish population, Rep. Ed Royce (R), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said, “The slaughter of these people, their persecution, leaves for humanity the thought: Have we learned nothing from the Holocaust? European leaders must unequivocally send this message to their people and act to provide greater protection for their Jewish citizens.”


Rep. Steny Hoyer (D ), minority whip, said: “Terror against Israelis and anti-Semitic attacks around the world must not be met with silence from the international community… the two resolutions … reflect the need to speak out and make clear where our nation stands. Much work remains in the fight to root out hatred against Jews in their ancient homeland or in their diaspora communities. Nothing can ever justify the murder of innocents or the spreading of fear among peaceful communities. I will continue supporting measures like those the House approved this week to make it unambiguously clear that a bipartisan majority in Congress stands united in solidarity with Israel and the Jewish people against violence, hatred, and terror.”

In October, the House Foreign Affairs Committee unanimously approved   a resolution condemning the PA and President Mahmoud Abbas, “for praising the killers of Israelis as “heroes,” for labeling Jews a “contaminating” presence on the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif) and for encouraging bloodletting in Jerusalem.”

I doubt, however, if the Palestinian or European leaders care for such reasonable resolutions. Today is dominated by the politics of deceit and appeasement. In their obsession with the politics of staying in power, the ruling elites would give the illusion to the masses that they care for them, inventing deceptions to keep the masses divided and undeveloped. It would perhaps be too much to expect the Palestinian and European rulers today to be different.

I also strongly doubt if these American Congressional resolutions will have any positive effects even on the diplomacy of the Obama administration. The administration was unmoved by Congressional opposition to its recent nuclear deal with Iran. It does not seem to care that the deal has only further emboldened Iran to indulge in anti-Americanism.

It is reported that Tehran has just celebrated its 36th anniversary of the seizure of the American embassy. This was marked by state-sponsored protests that drew thousands of Iranians. The protesters chanted “Death to America” and burned American flags. The protests were held outside the building where the US embassy once stood

The so-called moderate Iranian President Hassan Rouhani declared on the occasion, “The US embassy takeover formed the foundation of the country’s independence and fight against the arrogant powers by Iran.” The Iranian protesters issued a resolution at the end of their rallies condemning Washington for creating and supporting terrorist groups, including ISIS. At this rally Iran’s State Prosecutor Ebrahim Raeisi announced, “Under no circumstances will we allow penetration of Americans in economic, social and cultural areas.”

Pertinently, earlier Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said, “We waste no efforts to shut ways of infiltration into the country. We’ll allow neither economic, nor political, nor cultural intrusion of US.” Khamenei’s top advisor Ali Akbar Velayati declared, “Iran will not cooperate directly or indirectly with the United States.”

Also, the American administration is apparently indifferent to the fact the nuclear deal has emboldened the Khomeinst regime to proceed with its rights violations at home. The reports say the regime has recently convicted Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian. He has been held by the regime longer than the American hostages in 1979. Tehran has arrested two American businessmen on charges of espionage. There are now a total of six Americans detained or missing in Iran.

Nor does the administration seem to care if there is a surge in the number of Iranian cyber attacks in recent weeks .  According to a report, since the arrest  of Iranian-American businessman Siamak Namazi by an intelligence unit in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the number of cyber attacks against U.S. government personnel, academics, and journalists has increased, including the targeting of the email and social media accounts of administration officials.

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Jagdish N. Singh is an Indian journalist based in New Delhi.