Photo Credit: Wikipedia / CC2.0 / Copyright: World Economic Forum / by Remy Steinegger
Desmond Tutu

All around the world, tributes are pouring in for South African clergyman Desmond Tutu – one of the primary voices and leaders in the fight against apartheid.

US President, Joe Biden, said that we are “heartbroken to learn of the passing of a true servant of God and of the people.”


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he was “deeply saddened” to hear of Tutu’s death.

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The UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres praised Tutu for being a “towering global figure for peace” and an inspiration to generations. He said we will be “forever inspired by his example to continue the fight for a better world for all.”

The Vatican praised him for his “promotion of racial equality and reconciliation in his native South Africa.”

And former US President Barrack Obama said he was a “mentor, a friend, and a moral compass for me and so many others… grounded in the struggle for liberation and justice in his own country, but also concerned with injustice everywhere.”
Around the world, people are mourning the loss of the man with the contagious laughter and mischievous smile.

But I will not be one of them.

I certainly do not celebrate his death, but I will not be celebrating his life either.

He was not a ‘servant of God’ unless that God was racist. He was not an ‘inspiration to generations,’ unless that inspiration was hatred. And if he served as the moral compass for Barrack Obama, then clearly Obama’s compass is irrevocably broken.

Too often, people prefer to bury their heads in the sand, and ignore the poisonous hatred that drips out of the mouths of those who are deemed as ‘progressive fighters against racism,’ but Desmond Tutu did not fight racism, but encouraged it. Now it’s true he was one of the most well known and global figures in the fight against the evil of apartheid – but to acknowledge that cause, which was a just one, yet ignore his racism against Jews, does not promote justice, but advocates injustice.

For Desmond Tutu’s history in his war against Jews does not tell of someone wanting a peaceful and better world for all, but a world in which Jews are no longer a part of.

In 1989, on a trip to Israel, he suggested that Jews should pray and forgive the Nazis for the extermination of 6 million Jews.

Can you even imagine the arrogance of someone to say that? What gives him the right to demand of Jews to forgive those whose dream was to wipe us off the face of the planet? What would Holocaust survivors think of this Christian leader, with its own religious history of horrific persecution of Jews, daring to preach to Jews of how we live our lives?

He has also been an active member of the BDS lobby – that Jew hating group whose very existence is to promote the destruction of the State of Israel – or more plainly a call for another genocide against the Jewish people.

But his obsession with Israel and Jews was not just limited to his own country, but to causes that share his vitriol hatred around the world.

He promoted an appeal to the United States Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association pension fund to cut partnerships to Israeli companies, as well as a US Food Co-op food.

He even helped a local Australian council called Marrickville to approve a boycott of Israel’s goods – a motion that failed!

He also called Israel a country built on apartheid and oppression of another people, while ignoring the very real history of the Jewish people in the land.

In 2001, in Durban’s notorious World Conference on Racism – a conference that turned into a hate fest against the Jewish people he called for the “end of Israeli colonialist occupation in the occupied Palestinian territories, the achievement of the right to self-determination by the Palestinian people, including the right of return, and for the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state.”

This charlatan had told an international conference on racism, that despite our almost 4,000-year history in Israel, Jews are not a part of Israel, but a colonialist entity that must be wiped out.

Now I know that there are those who say we must look past some of the things he said and acknowledge that he was a complex person who was a great advocator of human rights.

I’m not one of them.

For Jews are human too, are we not? And he did not advocate to promote our rights, but to remove them.
Desmond Tutu was a Jew hater, which means he hated me, and he hated my family and my friends and my Jewish homeland of Israel.

So call me old fashioned, call me stubborn, call me fixated on the past, but unlike some of my fellow Jews, I won’t be singing the praises of a racist Jew hater in the hopes of being part of a fabricated sadness among the global community.

Not on this day and not on any day.

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Justin Amler is a noted South African born, Australia-based writer and commentator on international issues.