Photo Credit:
Taylor Force in West Point uniform

{Originally posted to the author’s website, Sultan Knish}

Taylor Force had been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, he had served at Fort Hood in the year of the infamous Islamic terrorist attack on the base, but a Jihadist finally caught up to the veteran, whose father and grandfather had also served their country, in civilian life during a visit to Israel. –


Bashar Masalha, the Islamic terrorist who murdered Force, was shot dead by Israeli police around the time that Biden was hanging out a mile away at the Peres Center for Peace. But Biden and his boss signed the checks to Iran and the Palestinian Authority that motivated and rewarded Force’s killer.

Masalha came from Qalqilya which is under the civil control of the Palestinian Authority. Its mayor, Othman Dawood, is a member of Fatah, the core political organization behind the PLO and the Palestinian Authority. Fatah celebrated the murder of Taylor Force and other victims of the attack, praising Masalha as a “heroic martyr”. It named him and two other terrorist attackers as “the pride of all of the young Palestinians” and urged future terrorists to go on killing in their name. Palestinian Authority television called the terrorist who murdered an American, a Shaheed, a martyr for Islam. And the Palestinian Authority’s support for the murder of Taylor Force doesn’t just end there.

The Palestinian Authority pays terrorists based on the amount of harm they caused and the resulting jail sentence. Had Masalha survived his attack on Taylor Force and the other victims, he would have likely been paid $2,000 a month for his act of terror. That’s pretty good money in a place where $2,000 is more like an annual income. It’s so good that that there’s no shortage of terrorists eager to kill for cash.

And the Palestinian Authority has no shortage of money to pay Muslim terrorists to kill Americans and Israelis because the terror organization which claims to be a state is subsidized by the United States with billions of dollars. In 2014, the PA spent $144 million on payments to convicted terrorists. Its terror budget benefited from Obama boosting 2014 foreign aid to the PA to $440 million. For “peace”.

Masalha is dead and will not receive the blood money he was hoping for from the Palestinian Authority, but he died knowing that his family will still be paid for his crime. In just one year, the PA paid out $78 million to the families of terrorists. Masalha’s family will receive money each month for the murder of Taylor Force. That money will come from American taxpayers. It will come from you.

Americans are paying money to Islamic terrorists who kill them. They are paying money to their families so that the terrorists know that even if they die, their families will be taken care of by their victims.

After a vague condemnation, Biden headed to a meeting with the head of the Palestinian Authority, PLO and Fatah, Mahmoud Abbas, whose organization encouraged and financed the murder of Taylor Force. While the body of Abbas’ latest American victim was flown back to his family, Biden grinned at the Osama of the West Bank, shook the bloody hand of the head of a terrorist organization that is among the world’s top terrorist killers of Americans and promised him more cash that will be used to help kill more Americans.

After the murder of Taylor Force, Biden could have skipped the meeting. When an Israeli planning committee approved a housing plan the last time he was in the country, Biden kept Netanyahu waiting for 90 minutes to express his displease. He didn’t keep the PLO terror boss waiting for even a second.

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Daniel Greenfield is an Israeli born blogger and columnist, and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His work covers American, European and Israeli politics as well as the War on Terror. His writing can be found at These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Jewish Press.