Listen my child and you shall hear of the Jewish Cabal’s conspiracy.

Let me relate to you my child the history of the world in the context of the ongoing never-ending evil brought on this world by us Jews. The entire story is long and complicated so I’ll have to skip here and there as I point out some of the major chapters in the continuing Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world.

We’ll begin when mankind numbered but four – Adam and Eve and brothers Cain and Abel. The vile and bloody quarrel that ensued between these brothers was a result of Abel conspiring to steal the land Cain was living on. His violent death at the hands of his brother was a just end to an unprovoked skirmish. If Abel was not a Jew he could have been may have been should have been.

Noah too might as well have been a Jew for he had the unmitigated gall to act against the entire world of that ancient time. The boathouse he stealthily built did not have room for any of his neighbors; he floated silently away as the people begged to be rescued from the pouring rains and rushing waters. He watched heartlessly as the inhabitants perished in the flood. Having survived (by sheer treachery and underhandedness) Noah then proceeded to take over the entire world.

The troubles encountered by Abraham (who everyone knows was the first official Jew) as he journeyed to what later came to be called Israel were all an outgrowth of his arrogant declaration that the Creator of the universe had given this land to the Jews. Can you imagine?! His guilt was obvious to all; his punishment came swiftly as his fresh-water wells were filled with mud his wife was taken hostage and he himself was robbed (fined?) of 400 golden coins in return for his wife’s eternal resting place.

We’ll skip over some history my child as I relate to you the greatest evil ever perpetrated against a peaceful loving nation – a nation that for two centuries provided the Jews with comfortable dwellings fat-free food and steady employment. But a provocateur named  Moses turned the Jews against their kindly hosts and brought down plague and hardship on the land.

And then like thieves in the night Moses and the Jews departed Egypt. Not content with leaving the benevolent Egyptians in agony pain and disarray the Jews enticed Pharaoh by sending messages that he should come with his people to lead the Jews back to Egypt. At the Red Sea however the bully Moses tricked the unsuspecting Egyptians into entering the silently flowing waters and then used his magic wand to create an onrushing wall of seething water.

The peace-loving Egyptians were no more – swept away and all because they’d come to gently escort the Jews back to their former haven. But what else my child can one expect of scheming conniving Jews? Incomprehensible you say? No my child. We Jews are known to pay good with evil; our motto then is our motto now.

Throughout the following millennia attempts by the Jews to dominate and rule by force and demagoguery were met by stiff resistance on the part of suppressed and repressed people – the Babylonians the Greeks and the Romans all raised their hand in rebellion to overthrow the yoke of Jewish oppression and intolerance.

The heroic Haman chief vizier to the king of the Persians understood the dangers posed by the Jewish snake spreading its poison to all corners of the earth. His plan of redress was courageous and right: annihilate the Jews once and for all. How unfortunate my child that Haman was assassinated by those money-changing land-grabbing Jews Mordechai and Esther. The Jewish problem could have been solved; instead the world continued to suffer as the Jewish conspiracy gained momentum.

The Greeks not so many years later were undermined by the Hashmonaic Jews in Jerusalem The admirable attempt by glorious Greece to introduce the finer arts of civilization to the uneducated Jews was coarsely rejected and in the end the Greeks had to watch sadly as the Jews danced and celebrated lighting candles to mark the success of their treachery against their would-be benefactors.

Yes my child. We Jews never tire of working for the realization of our longed-for goal – the subjugation and enslavement of all people foreign to our religion. We conspired against the caliphs and the kings of Europe. We created havoc by poisoning the wells and spreading disease and death. We Jews despite being welcomed with pleasure and fanfare by every country in which we set foot continued to invoke the name of our future king the one we call Messiah.

And though the world insisted that the messiah had already arrived the Jews stubbornly refused to believe it rebuffing their concerned neighbors who patiently tried to show them the error of their ways. Understandably this obstinate attitude angered the general populace who from time to time felt a holy urge to visit their righteous wrath upon this stiff-necked people who insisted on defying logic.

My child never forget the Crusaders those gallant soldiers sent forth by the religion of love to unshackle Europe from the Jewish chains of bigotry debauchery and conspiracy. Untold numbers of Jews met their deserved fate and the murderous Jewish conspiracy suffered a severe setback. The world began to breath more freely as hundreds of thousands of Jews who weren’t killed were forced into exile. Exile was good for the Jewish soul – not being able to settle for long in one place or another the Jews could not sow the seeds of dissension and revolution.

But my child the Jews have an inherent desire to stir up trouble. Skipping ahead to the 20th century we see that the world perturbed at the Jewish undermining of European monarchies was forced to take up arms in defense of the old and cherished order.

The collapsing economies of nations such as Germany and Russia were the direct result of Jews meddling in the affairs of these sovereign states – states by the way whose benevolence toward their Jewish citizens was exemplary and a source of great pride. Any backlash against the Jews was therefore a necessary evil intended to emancipate the illiterate peasants from the clutches of Shylock.

Is it any wonder my child that the rise of Nazism was the direct result of Jewish betrayal of Jews backing and funding the enemies of Germany? And my child don’t believe all you hear about that so-called Holocaust. The beatings confinements deportations degradations and killings are all exaggerations – inflated numbers and gruesome tales made up by us Jews in order to blacken the faces of innocent nations. It too is a Jewish conspiracy.

In the present time my child the Jewish theft of Islamic land demands retribution. The righting of the wrong by Jews against the peaceful Arab population of the Holy Land must be addressed; the continuing murder of innocent Palestinian women and children must be stopped. The infiltration of Arab homes by armed Jewish thugs intent on murdering their innocent inhabitants must be stopped immediately. The homicide bombings by crazed Jewish settlers must come to an abrupt end.

It is time my child for us to understand that the centuries-old conspiracy of dominance has got to end. The aggressive Jew must be replaced by a Jew of serenity and complacency. Enough of the Jewish conspiracy. It is time for the world to hear and know the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Sleep my child sleep.


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Isaac Kohn is senior vice president for Prime Care Consultants.