Rabbi Horowitz writes, “The system worked.” To this I add – the system will continue to work in the future.

In these and similar cases, the convicted defendants will be left with a permanent, indelible criminal record. For as long as these men live, that record will follow them around in every endeavor – employment, housing, education, etc. With a few simple keystrokes in our age of Google, our government’s criminal record system will keep not thousands but millions of children much safer.


Neither we nor any other American religious community can remotely lay claim to such a system. As Israelis say when referring to the wars they’ve fought, “ein breira” – there is no other choice. The Queens bakery case is but another example of the system working and our community turning the corner. The case highlights the essential lesson that predators need to be reported to the authorities for the benefit of those victimized and for our community at large.

Yasher koach to all of the “former” victims. You’re no longer victims. You’re empowered, and you persevered – for yourselves and all of us. Your future is bright and glorious, and may Hashem bless you all.


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Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, whose parsha and parenting columns appear regularly in The Jewish Press, is founder and dean of Yeshiva Darchei Noam and founder and director of Agudath Israel's Project Y.E.S. Elliot Pasik is a lawyer in private practice and president of the Jewish Board of Advocates for Children (www.jewishadvocates.org). He can be contacted at [email protected].