Photo Credit: WH Photo by Tia Dufour.
U.S. President Donald Trump, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bahrain Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Foreign Affairs for the United Arab Emirates Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyani sign the Abraham Accords on the South Lawn of the White House, Sept. 15, 2020

All accords between or among different states are essentially to serve the peoples they represent. Some of them, however, go far beyond and serve the entire humanity. The Abraham Accords Israel has come to sign with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan in recent years very much fit into this noble category.

Observers say that the war in Ukraine has precipitated a hike in oil prices. It has undermined Russia’s reliability as a natural gas supplier. So far, there is no end to this war in sight. The Ukrainians seem to be willing to fight on and die for the sake of freedom and democracy in their land. The continuing scenario has also affected adversely the grain supply the world over and led to a sharp rise in food prices.


As part of the Abraham Accords, Israel’s relations with the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan have been developing quickly. This can very much be made use of to meet the energy and food crises in the world today.

The Abraham Accords countries constitute a significant energy hub: Israel has natural gas resources and a technological edge and can help reduce the cost of renewable energy and alternative fuels; The UAE accounts for significant oil production, producing over three million barrels per day; Morocco is a leader in renewable energies, especially solar energy, in which it is heavily invested, and has also power cable link to Europe.

Regarding the food crisis, Israel and Morocco possess resources to combat this issue. Israel has made technological advancements in the fields of agricultural productivity and water management. Morocco contains is the world’s largest producer of phosphates with 75% of the world’s reserves. Its state-owned phosphates and fertilizers producer OCP Group has subsidiaries in 12 African countries and has contributed to increasing grain yields throughout the continent.

Morocco can help the world also in other sectors. In the past 15 years, it has become the world’s largest investor in West Africa, and the second largest in Africa overall. Its investments are in various sectors, including telecom, banking, construction, and mining.

The good news is that the European Union seems to be aware of what Israel and the other Abraham Accords nations can contribute to it. In June of this year, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was in Israel to sign a natural gas agreement. Needless to say, improving gas and food security is of utmost importance for Europe and will help address the continent’s immigration crisis, as food scarcity is believed to constitute a key incentive for immigration from Africa to Europe.

{Reposted with permission}

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Jagdish N. Singh is an Indian journalist based in New Delhi.