There were banners with biblical verses. And, as described in Forty Years of Struggle for a Principle, “The High Commissioner delivered an address, which was regarded by the assembly as of great political importance, most notably [his statement that] the purpose of the policy of the British government had been, was now and would remain, the promotion of the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine ”

Rabbi Aaron I. Reichel, Esq., who bears Harry Fischel’s Hebrew name, is a great-grandson of Fischel and administrator of the Harry and Jane Fischel Foundation.

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Rabbi Aaron I. Reichel, Esq., is a New York attorney who has written many articles on secular and Jewish topics, and has written, edited, and/or supplemented various biographies, most notably of Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein ("The Maverick Rabbi"), Harry Fischel, and Chief Rabbi Shear Yashuv Cohen.