Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

Many recite the following psukim from Yeshaya (58:13,14) prior to Kiddush on Shabbos morning:

– אם־תשיב משבת רגלך עשות חפצך ביום קדשי וקראת לשבת ענג לקדוש ה’ מכבד וכבדתו מעשות דרכיך ממצוא חפצך ודבר דבראז תתענג על־ה’ והרכבתיך על־במותי ארץ והאכלתיך נחלת יעקב אביך כי פי ה’ דבר


Rashi brings from Chaza”l that the “Nachala” of Yaakov, as opposed to Avraham, is limitless, as he was told ופרצת ימה וקדמה צפונה ונגבה .

This reward is in the merit of Yaakov setting boundaries for Shabbos (קבע תחומין), as the pasuk states: ויחן את פני העיר (בראשית לג:יח) as Yaakov and family camped outside of Shechem.

Chazal also tell us that Avraham fulfilled eruv tavshilin.

Meshech Chochma explains that Avraham reached out to his surroundings, doing Chesed and promulgating monotheism. This is symbolized by Tavshilin, Hachnasat Orchim with food, and all else that Avraham and Sara did.

Yaakov concentrated internally, with his family. All of his descendants were to build Am Yisrael, and he felt the need to make boundaries between them and the outside world.

In our own lives, we continue in the path of our forefathers. We need to give much thought and be perceptive when deciding when to reach outward and when to protect and build from within.

Shabbat Shalom


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Rav Korn is a senior Rabbi at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh