Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

During times of distress, we pray יענך ביום צרה ישגבך שם אלוקי יעקב (תהילים כ).

We are all familiar with this pasuk from weekday davening. Why the plea to the Lord of Jacob? Why not Avraham or Yitzchak, for example?


As Yaakov descends to Egypt, Hashem communicates to him “במראות הלילה”, visions of the night.

Meshech Chochma notes that this form of communication is unique to Yaakov, and was not used with his fathers. This is because that night represents Galus. Jacob is now entering a long, dark period of our history. Even in Galus, the Shechinah will reside with him and with his descendants.

This corresponds to Yaakov’s enacting the evening prayer. Maariv is the Tefilla of אמונתך בלילות, when things are bleak. Arvit corresponds to the parts of the Korban that were not consumed during the day. The Korban may only be offered in the day. Still, it may continue at night. So to, our close relationship with Hashem, forged in Eretz Yisrael, can be continued during the long night of Galus. The Jews in Galus must see to it that they are worthy of it.

Shabbat Shalom


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Rav Korn is a senior Rabbi at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh