Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

קדושים יהיו לאלוקיכם …(כא:ו)
The Kohanim are to remain holy. Why the emphasis on “לאלוקיכם”, to their God?

Kadosh connotes a separation. The kohanim are separated, to an extent, for the sake of their service of Hashem. Netziv adds that this separation demands them to be exemplary in proper “midos”, humility, and the like.


Being different from others not for the sake of Hashem is simply supercilious haughtiness.

In the Haftara, the Kohanim were to remove their holy vestments and wear other clothes. What else would they wear?

Here Netziv adds that they would wear regular clothing similar to what others wore, and not clothing similar to “bigdei kehuna”.

The difference between the Kohanim and others is limited to when it is לאלוקיהם, for heaven’s sake, and not for their personal kavod (honor).


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Rav Korn is a senior Rabbi at Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh