Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Second, it’s amazing how central she was to the Rebbe’s life. Her passing had a huge effect on the Rebbe, even in the way he delivered his Torah talks at the farbrengens. It reminded me of the teaching of Chazal on Yaakov Avinu‘s statement “Meisa alai Rachel” that “ein ha’isha meisa ela l’baalah, a woman is dead only to her husband.” Rachel was the center of Yaakov’s life in the most spiritual was possible.

The Rebbetzin was that way for the Rebbe, helping him lead with incredible mesiras nefesh and dedication, while staying out of the public eye.


My wife and the other shluchos gather this week to try to carry on the Rebbetzin’s lessons with mesiras nefesh and dedication to a cause far greater than themselves.

So this week let us salute the Jewish women who lead Klal Yisrael in their unique way. May Hakadosh Baruch Hu give them the koach, the energy, to nurture and grow the next generation of leaders, and through their merit, may they bring the Geulah now!


State Capital: Santa Fe
State Nickname: The Land of Enchantment
State Motto: It grows as it goes
State Flower: Yucca Flower
State Bird: Roadrunner
First Shuls: Congregation Albert, founded in 1897, is the oldest continuing Jewish organization.
Congregation Montefiore (Las Vegas, NM.) the first Jewish congregation was founded in 1884


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Rabbi Berel and Devorah Leah Levertov, and their six children, are the Rebbe’s shluchim in Santa Fe, NM, a beautiful city with about 4,000 Jews. They established the Chabad Jewish Center in Santa Fe 18 years ago and have recently purchased a 16,000 sq. foot building in the heart of Santa Fe and will be converting it into a magnificent center with a shul, classrooms, commercial kitchen, kosher café and Jewish art gallery, hospitality rooms and more. They invite you to visit