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The entire gathering remained quiet.

“Speak!” shouted the commander in uncontrolled fury. “ Otherwise I’ll choose twenty men from amongst you to be shot immediately.”


When they still remained quiet, he gave the order to line up twenty men outside and shoot them. Twenty men were chosen and the troopers raised their rifles prepared to execute them when the air raid signal sounded. Seeing an Allied plane overhead, the soldiers all ran for cover. In the interim, the shofar was once again hidden.

Amazingly enough, the commander never again asked who had blows the shofar and the twenty men chosen to be killed were not rounded up.

When the men in the barracks gathered around the rabbi to discuss this miracle of G-d, he said, “The Germans were right when they said that the shofar was a signal. But it was not a signal to the Allies, but to our Father in Heaven. We signaled Him that He should see our misery and punish our oppressors. And G-d listened.”


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