Danit Schusterman was a Chabad Emissary in Maui, Hawaii before moving to New York. She is the author of “A Jewish Homeschool Blog” and the Maui Kosher cookbook. In this authentic interview, Danit shares with us the power of “action-oriented” love. She explains to us that in order to develop a good relationship with your child, it has to be based on connection and trust. As parents (and teachers), we need to connect with our children where they are. Get to know your children (or students). Figure out what they like to do and what they are good at doing. Then, actively support them in that interest, EVEN IF YOU don’t share that same interest. True love is doing for a person what makes THEM happy, not necessarily what makes you happy. When you create a bond with people through connection, you end up on the same team. Once you are on the same team, the power struggles decrease because your kids (and students) know that you love them and care about them for WHO THEY ARE, and that your love for them is unconditional. That is how they thrive, and that is how healthy family (and classroom) dynamics are created.

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Vera Kessler is a wife and mother of three children whose goal in life is to inspire Jewish women to live their lives with meaning and a strong connection to Hashem. As a vehicle for this mission, she created the America's Top Rebbetzins podcast, where she interviews inspiring rebbetzins who share their words of wisdom and unique insights on living a life filled with clarity and purpose.