
Rebbetzin Devorah Leah Marrus–Conquering Post-Partum Depression and Anxiety

Rebbetzin Devorah Leah Marrus is the co-director of programming at Chabad of South Carolina.

Rebbetzin Chana Bilek–In-Laws, Friends and Colleagues: Effectively Managing Close Relationships

Rebbetzin Chana Bilek is a Korean-American Orthodox Jewish woman who was born into poverty in South Korea, and was adopted as a young child. She is now a life coach, consultant, public speaker, and the wife of an Orthodox rabbi in Baltimore, Maryland!

Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz–Jews Are One Family; We Are All Responsible For Each Other

Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz is a writer, advocate, non-profit veteran, and co-founder of JWOW!, Jewish Women of Wisdom, a community for Orthodox midlife women.

Rebbetzin Channy Lapine: The Basics of Keeping Kosher (And Yes, Vegan Cheeseburgers are Okay)

Rebbetzin Channy Lapine is the co-director of the Chabad Jewish Center of Missouri University and Mid-Missouri.

Devorah Leah Andrusier Part 2: Overcoming Addictions in the Jewish Community

Devorah Leah Andrusier is an addictions coach who helps people overcome their battle with all different types of addictions.

Devorah Leah Andrusier Part 1: Overcoming Addictions in the Jewish Community

Devorah Leah Andrusier is an addictions coach who helps people overcome their battle with all different types of addictions.

Rebbetzin Fraidy Gerlitzky-Creating a RelationSHIFT: Amazing Marriage Transformation!

Rebbetzin Fraidy Gerlitzly and her husband, Rabbi Levi Gerlitzky, run the Chabad Jewish Center Big Island in Kailua Kona, Hawaii.

Dr. Chavi Goldberg-Continued Jewish Online Learning for Women of All Ages

Dr. Chavi Goldberg, founder of CyberSem passionately discusses the significance that Jewish learning has in a woman's life.

Rabbanit Batya Ivry-Friedman: Jewish Women Play a Leadership Role in Bringing a Community Together

Rabbanit Batya Ivry-Friedman talks about the important role that Jewish women have in sharing their own unique gifts in order to bring a community together.

Liel Shitrit-Survivor of Nova Music Festival Shares Story of October 7 Hamas Terror Attack...

Liel was with her friends at the festival when Hamas invaded and started shooting at people around 6:30 A.M.

Rebbetzin Sarah Barash–Lighting the Spark of Your Divine Soul

Rebbetzin Sarah Barash is the co-founder of the Chabad Jewish Center of Jupiter, Florida.

Rebbetzin Gail Michalowicz–The Parallels Between Exercise and Torah: The Body and Soul Connection

Rebbetzin Gail Michalowicz is the rebbetzin of the Westmount Shul and Learning Center in the Thornhill Jewish Community of Toronto.

Rebbetzin Miriam Yerushalmi–Earth, Wind, Fire, Air: The Role These Four Elements Play in Your...

Rebbetzin Miriam Yerushalmi gives a powerful interview about Cognitive Behavioral Torah Therapy.

Rebbetzin Toby Bernstein–The Value of Doing One Mitzvah One Time

Rebbetzin Toby Bernstein is the co-founder of the Chabad Romano Center in Richmond Hill, Canada.

Rebbetzin Leah Wilhelm–Guilt, Shame, and Chassidic Teachings

So much wisdom! Rebbetzin Leah Wilhelm is the Chabad emissary at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

Rebbetzin Bracha Leeds–Be an Influencer!

Rebbetzin Bracha Leeds is the Chabad emissary at the University of California in Berkeley.

Rebbetzin Raizel Rosenfeld–Accepting Ourselves Exactly as We Are

Rebbetzin Raizel Rosenfeld is the rebbetzin of Chabad of Portugal, located in Lisbon.

Rosally Saltsman-Power of Positive Speech

Words Create Reality/Change Your Speech Change Your Life

Rebbetzin Dvorah Lea Raichman-How to Instill Love of Judaism in Your Children

Rebbetzin Dvorah Lea Raichman, co-director of Chabad Manaus, in the Amazon region of Brazil, speaks to us about how to cultivate in our children a love of mitzvot (commandments) and a love of serving G-d (Hashem.)

Rebbetzin Lisa Septimus–Jewish Women in Leadership/Bringing Women Back to Shul

Rebbetzin Lisa Septimus talks about the role of women in various leadership positions within the shul and the community.

Rebbetzin Simone Broide of the Boca Raton Synagogue–Chesed Benefits the Giver AND the Receiver

Rebbetzin Simone Broide of the Boca Raton Synagogue discusses a variety of chesed activities that can be done by people of all ages.

Rebbetzin Abby Fink–The Importance of Jewish Community

Rebbetzin Abby Fink, the rebbetzin of Young Israel of New Rochelle, talks about the importance of being part of the Jewish community.

Rebbetzin Zelly Refson–Perspectives on Gratitude

Rebbetzin Zelly shows us how to curate our consciousness so that we learn to look for our blessings instead of what we are lacking.

Rebbetzin Chaya Sarah Silberberg–On Shabbos, Feminism and Life

Rebbetzin Chaya Sarah Silberberg of the Chabad Torah Center in West Bloomfield, Michigan, shares words of wisdom on elevating shabbos, and making every day holy and special.

Rebbetzin Gitty Blotner–The Power of the Jewish Woman

The power of a Jewish woman to create a Jewish home by setting a certain tone of love, warmth and nurturing, is underestimated.

Rebbetzin Aidy Kuravsky–From Russia With Love

Rebbetzin Aidy Kuravsky is the Chabad emissary to Pushkino, Russia, which is right outside of Moscow.

Rebbetzin Sara Blau: Close To You–Daily Spiritual Meditations Inspired By the Tanya

Rebbetzin Sara Blau's book, Close To You--Daily Spiritual Meditations Inspired by the Tanya, guides us in connecting to Hashem in a very real way.

Rebbetzin Batya Burd-Oved: How to Maintain Your Faith in G-d While Grieving a Loss

Rebbetzin Batya runs an organization called Western Wall Prayers that allows people from all over the world to access the transformative ritual of having a Torah scholar pray for them at the Western Wall for 40 days.


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