Photo Credit: Pixabay

Natalie welcomes Edith Barr to the program, who shares her aliyah story. Edie and her husband made aliyah first to Beer Sheva in the early 1983, with their 3 small children (ages 1, 5, 7); they lived in an absorption center and put the children in daycare and school. The teachers did not understand the lack of Hebrew, called one child “retarded” and put the other in the corner for asking questions. Cockroaches on the floor, cats coming in through the windows, laundry being stolen….It was a difficult two years. Edie and husband decided to return to the U.S.A. – planning to return for retirement. They did! In 2002 they made aliyah to Beit Shemesh and live a very active senior life, seeing more people move in daily.

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