Photo Credit: Yishai Fleisher

Yishai and Malkah Fleisher discuss the battles for Hebron – from Chayei Sarah, to the media, to the provocatuerism of the radical Left. Then, Yishai’s guest appearance on the renowned Behind The Bima Program with Rabbi Efrem Goldberg and Rabbi Josh Broide, taking about the Ben Gvir phenomenon and the question of American Jewish Aliyah.

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Moshe Herman has been actively involved in Israel activism since founding the first pro-Israel student organization at Boise State University in 2007. He has been a member of several panels and discussion groups with topics ranging from interfaith dialogue in the Middle East to Israel’s importance as a Jewish state and holds dual US/Israeli citizenship. Herman joined The Yishai Fleisher Show at the beginning of 2012 and currently resides in Boise, Idaho.