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On October 7, hundreds attended an anti-terror rally in New York City in support of Israel at the Israeli Consulate on East 42nd. Street. In the words of activist Jeremy Dery, “We are here to say No more Jewish blood. Enough is enough.” Signs were held calling for Israel to remain strong. One sign read, “Jews are in Israel to stay,” another, ‘We will not be deterred by terror.’ The event was a grass roots effort, organized by members of the Crown Heights Jewish Community. Organizer Yossi Hershkopf noted that even on the Shabbath it is an obligation to take actions to prevent terror. Hershkopf encouraged support for the Israeli government to take the actions necessary to stop the terrorists.

The spirited crowd chanted Psalms, offered prayers, sang, danced, and repeated chants of “Am Yisrael Chai” (the people of Israel lives) and “Jewish blood is not cheap.”


New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind recalled that recent terror victim Adele Bennett was spat upon by Arab witnesses as she cried out for help while seriously injured with stab wounds as her husband lay on the ground mortally wounded. Nearby on the ground, their two year old child lay wounded. Hikind stated that PA leader Abbas “is no different from Hamas. He is responsible for what’s happened the last few weeks. He’s a terrorist, period!”

To resounding applause, Hikind called upon the Israeli government to intensify its anti-terror operations, ”The Prime Minister of Israel should not give a darn about what the President Obama or the leaders in Europe say when they call for restraint. He must protect the citizens of Israel.”

Crown Heights resident Tamar Edelstein, who hosts a local Jewish radio show, quoted the Lubavitcher Rebbe, “When Jews stand strong, they emerge victorious.”

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