Photo Credit: Mosaica Press

Title: Gratitude with Grace
By Sarah S. Berkovits
Mosaica Press



Having been a book-lover for almost seven decades, by now it’s almost impossible for me to find a volume that has impacted my life so powerfully that I hesitate to lend it to anyone. I tell them, “It’s the best buy you’ll ever make for $20, so please do both of us a favor and buy one!” The reason I reply so uncharacteristically is twofold: Firstly, since I purchased and read Gratitude with Grace, I’ve thumbed through its pages at least once a day, often more frequently, so I need it at hand; and secondly, I am sure that once the borrower reads this small-yet-powerful book, it won’t be returned for quite a while, if ever – because I can’t imagine anyone wanting to part with it!

This is the first book review I’ve ever written, so please understand that I am speaking from my heart, with no motive other than to recommend this inspirational and practical guide to living a life enriched by the mitzvah of hakaras ha’tov. Sarah Berkovits, its author, exudes gratitude, and has presented her readers with a comprehensive, entertaining, and enlightening read, as well as a practical program for infusing one’s life with positivity and thankfulness.

All of the book’s delightful illustrations, which are the expressions of gratefulness from some of the thousands of young students whose lives she has enriched over the years, prove that an “attitude of gratitude” can, and should be, gifted even to children. As for the rest of us, trust me: No matter at what stage of life you presently are, once you’ve read Gratitude with Grace and tried the easy-to-follow daily program outlined at the end of the book, your life will be blessed not only with overwhelming appreciation, but also with grace.

Gratitude with Grace – which is endorsed by world-renowned Torah personalities: HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz, Dr. David Pelcovitz, and Rebbetzin Tziporah-Heller Gottlieb, as well as by Harvard professor Tal Ben-Shahar – provides antidotes to many of today’s challenges, as it outlines a program that over the years has infused countless lives with a level of happiness rarely attained these days.

So, treat yourself to a great read, as well as to an infusion of sunshine, in what has become a very complicated world. Gratitude with Grace, a truly beautiful book produced by Mosaica Press and distributed by Feldheim, is available at most local Judaica stores, as well as on Amazon, so this year, thanks to the feedback I’ve received from those to whom I’ve already gifted it, I’m planning to make it my preferred Chanukah present, because to me it is truly a gift that keeps on giving.

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