Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Agra D’Pirka made its debut in Florida on Sunday, September 1. The program, located at the Miami Beach Community Kollel, 3767 Chase Avenue, drew participants from as far away as North Miami Beach and as close as nearby Pine Tree Drive. All were unanimous in their assessment: he program was a tremendous success.

Agra D’Pirka is an organized and serious Torah learning program geared to professionals, business owners, students, retirees, or anyone interested in limud haTorah. It offers highly captivating shiurim during the morning hours of 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The Torah-based curriculum is already making a tremendous impact in its four other locations: Flatbush, Boro Park, Queens, and Lakewood. Now it promises to become a huge success in Miami Beach.


Rabbi Aharon Kahn, rav of Knesses Bais Avigdor in Flatbush, flew down to join the community grand opening. “It was a tremendous zechus,” he said, “to see a dream come true and a vision fulfilled. With such a stellar array of maggidei shiur and such a central venue as the Miami Beach Kollel, I have no doubt that this branch will attract a hundred participants in no time at all.”

For more information, call 718-490-9392 or e-mail [email protected].

Agra D’Pirka participants

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