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If you feel burdened by the chore of baby-sitting your younger brothers and sisters, speak to your parents about your feelings. Having a grownup discussion in a calm and respectful way may get you surprising results.

At the same time, keep in mind that for every time you help your parents out you are earning a double mitzvah: one for doing a chesed and one for kibbud av v’eim. And I’m sure you know that every mitzvah you do creates a malach, one that becomes your own personal guardian angel to help you out in life in unforeseen ways.


Right now the years may seem like they’re dragging, but before you know it you will be full-fledged adults. The role of a grownup comes with serious responsibilities that your parents want you to be well prepared for. That’s one reason they want you to do well in school. All the studying and learning you do now will come in handy in the future.

When you sent this letter out, it seemed like winter would never end. But suddenly it really feels like spring. Even as you look forward to summer and a change of scenery, remember to thank Hashem every day for everything you have – including a mom and dad who love you and work hard to provide you with all your needs.

Hopefully your parents are reading this and will smooth the way for an open and easy communication and better understanding between you. Good luck!

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