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Aside from picking up various cutting and preparing techniques and acquiring the skill to make pasta from scratch, we made new friends with whom we continue to be in touch. I would like to advise young people who lazy around during their summer break that working for a wage makes you feel really good about yourself, and taking part in constructive activities with friends can be enormously satisfying and rewarding.

By the way, my mom shows me the Chronicle columns she believes are suitable for me to read. I must add that I laughed till my sides hurt when I read about the eighteen-year-old who held the door shut on his grandmother. No disrespect intended, but I can see my brothers doing the exact same thing to our “young” bubby. Guess it takes longer for boys to grow up.


Life is a learning experience


Dear Life,

Way to go, young lady! You seem to have astutely figured out on your own that lessons learned today will stand you in good stead tomorrow. As for the young males in our families, we must have faith and practice patience; they just take a bit longer to get there.

Your last year of high school is sure to offer you some valuable experiences and wonderful memories that will stay with you a lifetime. Hatzlocha in staying focused and motivated. Thanks for your terrific input and for choosing to share your latest adventure with our readers.


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