Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Wouldn’t it be great if someone invented a really great-looking machine-washable rug so that you didn’t have to worry about the occasional mess that just seem to happen when you have guests in the house? Well, I am happy to report that someone actually has. Say hello to Ruggables, a two-piece rug system consisting of a nonslip pad that attaches to a decorative top that just so happens to be machine-washable. So, when your little guests accidentally spill apple juice on your rug, or someone accidentally tracks mud onto your rug, instead of hyperventilating (what I usually do) you can just toss it into the washer (what I do now). Best of all, Ruggables comes in an assortment of sizes and patterns so whether you are looking for traditional, geometric, ombre, shag or even zebra stripes, Ruggables has got you, and your floors, covered.


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Sandy Eller is a freelance writer who writes for numerous websites, newspapers, magazines and private clients. She can be contacted at [email protected].