Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz

Abbas is willing to accept a deal that is based on the 1967 borders?

First of all there are no 1967 borders and second, it has absolutely nothing to do with Abbas or the Palestinians.


The 1967 lines? This is what the map looked like before and after the 1967 war when Israel defeated Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon (Notice, no Palestine!)

Take a close look at the first map, do you see Palestine? NO!

You see Jordan, Egyptian and the 1948 armistice lines.

What do the 1967 lines have to do with Palestinians? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

What Abbas is talking about is the 1948 armistice lines. (Red line on the first map) These are not borders or legal lines but rather the lines that were drawn after the Arabs realized they lost the 1948 war. There are absolutely no legal basis for these lines and they are not borders in anyone’s book.

Even if there was a legal status to these armistice lines, they have absolutely nothing to do with the Palestinians as never did these lines include an Arab anything called Palestine.

To sum up…

IF Abbas is planning on announcing he accepts the right of a Jewish State and demands a deal based on the 1967 lines, what he is really doing is finally admitting reality when it comes to Israel and attempting to make one up when it comes to the Palestinians.

What will the UN do?

Blame Israel, for whatever.


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