Photo Credit: Nati Shohat/Flash90
An orthodox Jewish man argues with a reform Jewish woman wearing a prayer shawl at the Western Wall.

The progressives tried to solve their demographic problem by making a pact with traditionalists from outside their culture, region and religion. They didn’t mind that they were filling their cities with a feral population because their own reproduction strategy didn’t depend on numerical survival, but on ideological control over the surviving population. Losing a few hundred or thousand of the natives a year to snakebites would make the rest more compliant. Chaos would strengthen the authorities and make their divide-and-conquer politics easier to implement. A feral population requires a police state and stirs up constant conflict that can be manipulated and exploited in a hundred different ways.

But what happens when the snakes take over the island?


To stave off domestic traditionalists, the left relied on an alliance with traditionalists with higher birth rates and beliefs that were much less compatible with the progressive way of life. The imported population was much less susceptible to conversion, much more violent and bound to eventually take over. And they were doing it all with the tireless aid and patronage of the progressives who had dealt with their escaped slave problem by filling Europe and America with snakes.

What kind of people, you might ask, do things like this?

The kind who run up trillions in debt and insist that they are spending their way out of a recession.

The kind who starve the peasantry and then force the survivors into collective farms, where they barely have enough food to get by… and expect a bountiful harvest.

The kind who use unions to show off their own power, stage strikes for political influence, drive the companies overseas, then unionize government workers, demand unsustainable benefits, and watch the economy implode.

The kind who shoot or imprison every independent thinker and then wonder why their society is stagnant and entirely dependent on technological and cultural leftovers from free societies.

The kind who outlaw firearms and self-defense, dismantle law enforcement, celebrate riots and then spend millions analyzing why the cities are decaying.

The kind who build windmills where there is no wind, who destroy rights to protect rights, who fight wars in the name of peace, who build international communities that are somehow supposed to possess more decency and law than its individual constituent members, and who drill holes in boats because they are more environmentally sound that way.

Evil destroys itself because it carries the seeds of its own destruction. It is not just destructive, it is also self-destructive. Evil is cunning, but it is also stupid. It is ruthless, but it is also cowardly. It loves plans, but it cannot distinguish its own fantasies from actual events. Like an unstable element, it is forever at war with the forces threatening to tear it apart, until they eventually do, but not until the damage has spread.

Evil cannot survive naturally, only unnaturally. It destroys itself, so that it cannot naturally reproduce, but instead it has to infect others. It can only survive by spreading the disease of its own instability. And it will do anything to survive, even as its attempts at survival not only doom it, but everyone around it as well.

Progressives tried to balance out the instability they created by importing alien traditionalists to battle their traditionalists. But the demographic growth of traditionalists, alien and native, leads us to two kinds of societies. The kind run by native traditionalists and the kind run by alien traditionalists. And which one it will be almost entirely depends on how much power the progressives have had and for how long. The longer the progressives have been in power, the likelier the country is to fall to alien traditionalists, who will have no mercy on them.


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Daniel Greenfield is an Israeli born blogger and columnist, and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His work covers American, European and Israeli politics as well as the War on Terror. His writing can be found at These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Jewish Press.