Perhaps more so than in any era of human history, modern society has placed a pronounced emphasis on the study of leadership. Few matters have consumed the collective interest of university researchers, think tanks, executive coaches, corporate consultants, business magnates, and Internet bloggers more than identifying the special mix of qualities and actions that produce and sustain strong headship.

The topic’s currency is obvious enough. At no time in our historical annals has there been a greater demand for capable, dynamic leadership – at least on such broad a scale – as there is today.


It was for this reason that Naphtali Hoff, an executive coach and president of Impactful Coaching & Consulting, published “Core Essentials of Leadership.” This concise, well written, cutting edge eBook offers many tested strategies that are sure to strengthen leadership skills and practice for leaders in all types of organizations. It also shares many anecdotes from some of the world’s leading leadership experts.

Topics include: • What leadership is and what is isn’t • The difference between leadership and management • How to build a leadership character • And much more.

Each chapter concludes with actionable next steps that are designed to promote reflection and continued growth.

This eBook – a must-have for all leaders and aspiring leaders – can be accessed free of charge at


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