Photo Credit: flash 90
This photo of the Flag of Israel flying in Jerusalem with the Temple Mount in the distance represents the position of The Jewish Press Online

No matter how long it has been it is still so painful and brings nightmares to me- to all of us- yes I realize that I suffer from PTSD from this and other experiences that I lived through in the military operations, and terror attacks. But Yom Kippur 1973 is something that all of us who went through this can not forget or be relieved of the pain and trauma.  I am sending this to be printed however, not because of my own personal trauma but also in order to remind our Nation of the price our soldiers and our families paid then and pay now in order to protect our Torah, our Land  and our  Nation.

May we have leadership that allows us to prevent the violence and terror and attacks against us and not to merely “respond”.


Gmar Hatima Tova to all of Am Yisrael.

These poems were written during the time during the Yom Kippur War and after when I struggled between despair and hope and prayer following the IDF reporting to me that my husband was MIA.

Oh Israel

Land of hopes

Land of war

Dreams we hold

Of our children growing tall.

From all corners

We have come

To build a home

For everyone.

Oh Land of beauty

Of prayers and work

Endless problems, and duties

Behind all which our future lurks.

A hundred cultures interchange

Between thousand minds

Searching for common plaine.

Million faces

 Search on high

Each independent yet all try

To reach and build this dream of peace

A Land of one – of unity and happiness.

I was alone with a new baby when Ami left on Yom Kippur and was informed of his being MIA  a week and a half before what was to be our first anniversary – trying to be a Mommy to our new daughter I kept holding her and promising – praying that she would see her Daddy again.

The Thing Most Beautiful

The thing most

Beautiful to me

Is not just the things I see

But tranquil moods

And warm sunshine

The feeling of inner peace

Which glows inside.

The smells of grass freshly cut

Or coffee steaming in a cup.

Baby’s skin after a bath

Or flowers growing

On a dirt path.

I only recently told my husband and family about the book and what I wrote and I dedicate these words and prayers to our MIA’s and their families.  I who lived through this nightmare can never forget and daily pray for each of our missing and their families.  And for our brother Yonatan Pollard to finally be released and brought home.

B’ahavat Zion


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Yehudit Tayar was born in Chicago Illinois and served as a councilor in Bnei Akiva Youth Organization. She has lived with her family in Bet Horon in the Benjamin Region for over 30 years, serves as an emergency first response medic, on the Board of Directors of Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron,and is a spokesperson for the Jewish pioneers in Yesha. Married to Ami, mother of four children, and grandmother