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In early March our coalition, along with UJA-Federation of New York, took more than forty participants representing Jewish schools across the state on a mission to Albany to advocate on the front lines for increased finding for our schools in the form of CAP and Mandated Services and Security funding. We met with fifty-three elected officials, including the leadership of the Senate and Assembly as well as Governor Cuomo’s senior advisers. Our message was united and clear – private schools save New York State millions of dollars and we want the funding we are mandated to receive.

Albany’s budget negotiations are reaching their conclusion in these final weeks of March. It is crucial that all who care about the viability and affordability of our schools contact their legislators and urge that MSR and CAP funding must be fully restored and that a payment plan must be enacted so that the schools can receive the full funding they deserve.


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Jeff Leb is the New York State director of political affairs for the Orthodox Union and the OU-Teach NYS Initiative.