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My newfound perspective cast its rosy hues on the coming days and weeks, despite the heartache I had endured. And then, less than two months after my tragic loss, I was blessed with wonderful news. My ill-fated pregnancy had corrected an undiagnosed hormonal imbalance, and paved the way for future healthy pregnancies and babies. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes of my dashed hopes and dreams, joy and wellbeing rose majestically and soared heavenward.

We were soon blessed with another beautiful son, followed over the years by many other Divine gifts of healthy sons and daughters. There were the inevitable bumps and detours along the way, including other losses and disappointments. But the Heavenly intuition I was privileged to glimpse while confined to that narrow hospital bed during that long-ago Aseres Yemei Teshuvah has remained with me in the ensuing decades – to light my way and illuminate my blessings.


From some of the darkest days of misery and uncertainty emerged the blindingly beautiful light of celebration and triumph.


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