Photo Credit: Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis
Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis

“Then, about two years ago, a woman called me, apologized for intruding and explained that her daughter was undergoing the same experience. In her case, the break-up came a few weeks before the wedding – somewhat better than it had been for our daughter.

“The woman explained that it had been almost a month but her daughter still couldn’t come to terms with what had occurred. A friend of hers, she said, thought it might help if my own daughter, who went through the same sad story, would talk to her and give her strength.


“To be perfectly honest, when I related this message to my daughter, she was somewhat hesitant. She had managed to bury that hurt, and was not anxious to bring it to life again, but her Yiddishe neshamah prevailed and she decided to try to help.

“And now to the incredible miracle – the hashgachah pratis of Hashem. The brother of that girl was studying in a yeshiva in Yerushalayim and he came home for Pesach. He and my daughter met, and, Baruch Hashem, the rest is history.

“Today they are happily married with a six-month-old baby girl. As for my daughter’s ‘ex-chassan,’ he too got married. Sadly, it soon emerged that he was emotionally ill, and today he is divorced.

“Whenever I think about it, I feel humbled by the awesomeness of Hashem’s rachamim – His mercy, His guiding Hand – that saved us from even greater suffering.

“Please feel free to publish our story. We need only have emunah and the sun will shine again. G-d never abandons us. Even when we feel all alone, we must place our trust in Him and know that what happens it is all for a reason – for our benefit – even if initially that reason eludes us. We are Hashem’s people and we have faith in Him and we know He always guides us.”


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