Photo Credit: Nati Shohat / Flash 90
Dani Dayan (with map of Judea and Samaria in background), 2007

“Shoftim”: Judges and officers shalt thou make thee in all thy gates, which the L-rd thy G-d gives thee, throughout thy tribes: and they shall judge the people with righteous judgement.”

Would that the governments of Israel would adopt this commandment and judge righteously- but alas this is not the situation.  Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley are not included as integral parts of the State of Israel and are under military law.  Why?  In 1967 these areas were “liberated from the Jordanian occupation”!  But were they? 


How can the Supreme Court of Israel accept on face value, testimonies of Arabs that the land belongs to them and when it comes to Jews who have purchased the land and have documentation it is not accepted?

The normal standard for citizens of Israel is not applicable to the hundreds of thousands of Jewish citizens who live in Judea, Samaria or the Jordan Valley.  Why won’t the Israeli government finally annex and accept these areas as part of the State of Israel? The government of Israel must apply sovereignty to these areas and the sooner the better for the good of the entire Nation, and State of Israel.

I am absolutely fed up with Israeli media referring to the heartland of Israel as ; “the territories”- which in fact calls them the occupied territories as if they do not rightfully belong to the State of Israel.It is pathetic how little back bone our government has with regards to the sovereignty of our Land. 

In addition we witness the total collapse of factual public relations with regards to important issues such as the terrorist who refused to eat and instead of referring to and recalling the reasons for his imprisonment, the only issue mentioned was either if he would survive, or the possible dangers of attacks by Hamas if he dies.

What was the reason for this terrorist being imprisoned?  Why was this not mentioned each and every time his name came up along with his medical condition?  How many innocent lives were taken by him and other terrorists who are in prison or under civil adminstration arrest?

Where is the righteousness of Israeli governments and courts?  Where are the judges of Israel who are supposed to judge fairly and support the eternal right of our Nation to live safely in our Land and to not fear media pressure, international sanctions imposed upon us because the Israeli government refuses to adopt sovereignty of these areas, and at the same time must refuse to capitulate to terrorists who wish to be martyrs by murdering and giving up their lives doing so – and also time these terrorists must not be rewarded by releasing them or allowing payments to their families and them because of the acts of terrorism that they planned and executed.

It is definitely time for righteous judgement for the good of the Jewish people and the sanctity of the State of Israel. 

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Yehudit Tayar was born in Chicago Illinois and served as a councilor in Bnei Akiva Youth Organization. She has lived with her family in Bet Horon in the Benjamin Region for over 30 years, serves as an emergency first response medic, on the Board of Directors of Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron,and is a spokesperson for the Jewish pioneers in Yesha. Married to Ami, mother of four children, and grandmother