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    The ICJ Ruling and Historical Precedent

    It’s easy enough just to say “to hell with them”, and ignore this pathetic act of lawfare against the Jewish State. But we need to do more...

    Ashkenormativity: “Go Back to Poland,” Columbia Students Shout; But My Jewish Family is from...

    Ashkenormativity... a system of oppression that favors white Jewish folx (sp).”

    Questions for Jewish Donors to Harvard

    13 hard questions for those who are now upset by the Harvard-Liberal-Hamas alliance, asking why Harvard’s transformation into a training program for America-hating activists was not enough to stop their donations.

    Listen: Moshe Feiglin Takes Down the BBC

    Moshe Feiglin calls out the lies of BBC News.

    An Open Letter to Those Visiting Israel

    It is wonderful to go to Israel anytime, it is particularly meaningful to go during this time.

    From the River to the Sea

    A peaceful and workable solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict

    30 Achievements of the Anti-Democracy Protesters

    The following meme is making the rounds in Hebrew in Israel....

    Just Where on Earth was ‘Palestine’?

    We are witnessing a concentrated rewrite of history.

    U.S.-Slovak Bipartisan Roundtable Discussion on Rising Antisemitism at Home and Abroad

    Slovakia and the members of the U.S. Congress, Jewish organizations leaders, experts, opinion shapers, and diplomats from foreign missions convened in Washington, D.C. to discuss the global rise of antisemitism including addressing roots of antisemitism and finding ways to fight against it.

    Mindfulness and Judaism

    Mindfulness is actually built into the very fabric of Judaism.

    The First Time I Ever Truly Felt the Pain of Tisha B’Av

    The year 2005 was the first time I ever truly felt the pain of Tishabaav.

    It’s All the RAGE: New Palestinian Fashion Craze: M-16 T-Shirts

    M-16 T-shirts – celebrating rifle used to murder 5 Israelis

    What Type of Jews do WE Want to Be?

    While the Jewish community reacts to hate when it's banging at the door, it makes the fatal error of ignoring the root causes in the futile hope it will all blow over


    We sang Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach’s Soviet Jewry anthem, “Am Yisrael Chai,” and the earth shook. We really felt that together we could change the world. 

    I am a Jew. Plain and Simple

    No matter what kind of Jew you are, we have more in common than the trappings that divide us

    Hate Israel, But Don’t be Stupid About It

    Long ago, I became a believer in the "You can't fix stupid" movement. Intelligence is not something that you can control. It is an innate part of your being. Stupidity, however, can be cured by education. So, what it comes down to is accepting that some people don't want to be educated. Some refuse to see Israel as it really is.

    Stop This Insanity: Men CANNOT Have Babies!

    A man says he is a woman or a woman says she is a man and we are off and running to assist them in their hormone therapy and body mutilation. Does this make sense to you? Scientific sense?

    On the Brink of the Next War

    Once again, yet again, it is time to make it very clear to our enemies that the choice is theirs. They can live with us in peace, or they will know no peace.

    Trump Seen Hanging ‘Missing: 11,787 Votes’ Signs Around Georgia

    "I'm calling on the good people of Georgia to help me find my missing votes! Have you seen them anywhere? Please check under your couch cushions. DM if you find them, THX!"

    Brooklyn’s Anti-Gentrication Groups are Pushing Antisemitic Narratives and Activism

    With a a few notable exceptions, the Jewish community appears unaware of the significance and relevance of these groups.

    Listen, O Israel!

    Hearing is easy, but listening is much harder. That, however, is what we really need, and maybe that’s the biggest lesson we can take from these challenging times.

    What the Statue-Toppling Left is REALLY Out to Topple

    And why the Left really wants to destroy America.

    Is America a “Failed” Experiment?

    We are not perfect, but there is a lot to celebrate on the Fourth of July. Radical rhetoric aside, no nation has ever provided more freedom and prosperity for more people—regardless of skin colors.

    The Power of Prayer Amid a Pandemic

    Nevertheless, no matter how much we suffer, we must try to show gratitude and to pray, for asking God for mercy is the only remedy that we got.

    Rashi In Auschwitz – 1944

    They wonder: Why is he endangering his life? He approaches and tells them, “Kinderlach, we don’t know how much time we have left, so let’s learn Torah.”


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