Photo Credit: Topaz Luk, IDF Spokesperson's Unit
Oketz is the IDF elite canine unit, trained to operate in every combat contingency.

Rav Matisyahu Salomon Speaks I would like to correct one thing that seems to be an impression by the public. It’s not an asifah just to be matir the internet with the use of filters. That is not the purpose of the asifah. The purpose of the asifah is for people to realize how terrible the internet is and, of course, the best thing for every ehrliche Yid is to not allow it in his home at all.

I don’t know if Rav Salomon even realizes the positive value the internet has. Or perhaps he does – but refuses to publicly acknowledge it for fearing that even the slightest approval may undermine his message. Either way it is a truth denied. Harry Maryles, Emes Ve-Eminah


A Jewish lady was making enormous personal sacrifices to… preserve slavery in America. OK, it doesn’t stand the test of time. Call it quirky news, then. The funny thing is how the blog is relating this item with a totally straight delivery.

A Texan Heroine Rosanna Dyer Osterman (1809-1866) risked her life to act as a courier to the Confederate Army, after the city of Galveston, Texas, was occupied by the Union Army. From Osterman’s perspective, the Union Army were the occupiers. When she learned that the Union knew of the Confederates’ early January attack plan, she managed to get word to the Confederates so that they could attack early and retake the city. Jewish Treats

It’s so hard to be the world’s most evil terrorist. Eventually it gets to you. Imagine going to the office cave every morning, evil scheming until lunch, then scheming more evil well into the night, then going to the home cave for a cup of coffee and virgins. But just then, the secure cellphone rings – it’s your insurance guy. Does it ever end? Well, yes, one year ago.

Bin Laden from Beyond the Grave Titled “Letters from Abbottabad,” the CTC’s report provides a unique glimpse into the inner workings of al-Qaeda following 9/11. According to the report, “the most compelling story” gleaned from the documents is bin Laden’s “frustration with regional jihadi groups and his seeming inability to exercise control over their actions and public statements”. The documents show that “al-Qaeda Central” under bin Laden struggled to control the organization’s growing number of affiliates. The terrorist leader was “burdened” by those affiliates’ incompetence when it came to winning public support and planning operations that often resulted in the deaths of innocent Muslim bystanders. Bin Laden urged such groups to focus on attacking the U.S. – “our desired goal” – as opposed to Arab governments or forces. Samara Greenberg, The Jewsih Policy Center


Just when you thought you’ve read absolutely everything about frummies yearning to date, you run into a funny piece that let’s you know the game is still on. And your team is losing.

Jewish Matchmaking 101 We need to build a bridge between the 2 sexes. You could say that men are from MasterCard and women are from Visa, and Amex and Sears. They are so completely different. One wears a hat and…oh yes, they both wear hats. But it is the woman who knows how to accessorize her black hats with something other than a tallis bag. That’s where professional Jewish matchmakers enter the picture. Newton, Funny and Jewish

This next one is not a Jewish entry, necessarily, but it certainly livens the discussion…

Parallel Dating: A phenomenon! In Parallel Dating, people send multiple signals to different people, chat with the interested parties (simultaneously), meet them for coffee or drinks (often more than one in a day), and then compile a “table” of good and bad points applicable to each “candidate”. A “decent” dater will choose one and discard the rest (as harsh as it sounds), focusing on the new relationship. A typical parallel dater will, however, play two or more “candidates” simultaneously until caught out, where the cycle begins again. The Real Harry Potter, News 24


I’ve been waiting for this blog to re-ignite, and today there was a whole bunch of entries there, go visit.

The Third-Generation Dentist Once or twice a year I travel 3000 miles to visit my family and my dentist, Dr. M.

Dr. M is a third-generation dentist who operates out of the same residential office his father and grandfather kept.

It remains furnished as it was in 1920 and in 1970 and with every magazine Dr. M ever received and with flourishing houseplants.
A Jew in the Rain

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Tibbi Singer is a veteran contributor to publications such as Israel Shelanu and the US supplement of Yedioth, and Jewish Business News.