The Civil Administration arranged for the transport of Yehia, an Arab boy from Bethlehem, to be treated at a hospital in Boston where he underwent a kidney transplant that saved his life.

The child was previously treated for kidney issues at the Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem, where he received dialysis treatment. Eventually, Israeli doctors diagnosed that Yehia was in need of a new kidney.


Yehia was supposed to receive a kidney donated by his father, when the doctors at Schneider Children’s Medical Center in Petakh Tikva (where the surgery was meant to take place) detected an organ incompatibility.

The Health Coordinator at the Civil Administration, Dalia Bassa, contacted a team at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, which specializes in kidney diseases, and arranged for Yehia to receive the transplant there.

The Civil Administration flew Yehia to the US in January, 2012, where he stayed till April 24. Since his return, Yehia is undergoing frequent checkups at the Shaare Zedek Hospital.

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