Photo Credit: pixabay

{Please note, this Letter from Larry is sarcastic)

Ms. Francesca AlbaneseSpecial Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967OHCHR-UNOG 8-14 Avenue de la Paix 1211 Geneve 10, SwitzerlandTel: +41 22 917 92 25 Fax: + 41 22 917 90 06 Dear Special Rapporteur Albanese,Your report asserting that Israel is an apartheid, organ stealing, blood draining, tree cutting, ethnic cleansing, falafel stealing, water poisoning, settler colonialist state has come to our attention. We can’t tell you how proud we are that the UN is finally acting to identify the center of evil in our world. We have no idea if the corrupt West will act on your brilliantly researched report, but we want to reward you for being the point women for what we hope will be Holocaust II. To honor your contribution to racism, we wish to invite you to visit our plastic surgery center in Berne Switzerland where our world renowned surgeons will perform the following procedures free of charge of course. !:  Reverse Clitoridectomy so you can once again enjoy the company of your sexual partners.2: Rhinoplasty to remove the unsightly curve on your very Italian nose. 3: Liposuction to remove the unsightly pockets of fat on your love handles, thighs. calves. chin, and derriere that has disfigured your body. 4: Removal of unsightly moles, skin tags and warts utilizing the latest excision biopsy procedures. Our clinic adheres to  the highest level of secrecy so your visits will never be recorded, photographed or reported. By the time we finish, you can once again be the beautiful woman you were meant to be. Maybe when you regain your self-esteem, you won’t have to hate anybody.Yours for a firm body,Roger Himmler M.D. Plastic Surgery Kramgasse 88, Bern * 031 312 22 23

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