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Olmert's Last Word
There was a time when I was very impressed by Israeli politician Ehud Olmert. At that point he was still well to the Right on the Israeli political spectrum and was doing what seemed to be an excellent job as Mayor of Jerusalem. In addition to his legendary hard work, he was known as friendly and caring to the more lowly workers. There are many stories of how he made of point of knowing everyone and asking about their families and visiting the sick and more. I remember very happily predicting to some overseas visitors:

“Ehud Olmert will be Prime Minister one day. Unlike most politicians, he knows how to get things done and administer. Olmert does more than just talk.”

OK, I was mostly right, but never in a million years would I have predicted that he’d veer so terribly Left and end up not only spearheading the dastardly Disengagement but then be charged and convicted for corruption.

From Biblical times until today and no doubt the future, too, there have always been leaders with their hands caught in the till or in somebody’s pants… Their reactions are the way we end up judging them for posterity. The Biblical King David admitted his crime and fully repented, saying he “sinned before Gd” and was not only forgiven but has always been held up as an example for good.


On the other hand of this spectrum, we now have Ehud Olmert who refuses to admit to any guilt at all.  So repentance isn’t on his menu. That makes him even worse than the Biblical King Saul.

JERUSALEM (AP) — Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Monday began a 19-month prison sentence for bribery and obstruction of justice, defiantly proclaiming his innocence in a farewell video as he became the first Israeli premier to be placed behind bars….”You can imagine how this change is painful and strange for me, for my family, my loved ones and supporters,” he said. “It is important for me to say again, as I said inside the court and outside it, that I absolutely reject outright all the corruption allegations against me.” (AP Yahoo News)

That is a bad precedent and makes him a dangerous role model.


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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.