IMHO, I think that the fact that the Bush-Republican Party would rather lose the next Presidential Elections than rally behind the people’s favorite, Donald Trump. And yes I’ve called it the “” for a good reason.  It is so clear that Jeb Bush hasn’t a chance in hell to win, but since his family still controls the party, they’d rather lose than support Donald Trump.

What happens if Donald Trump wins big in South Carolina?

Despite Palmetto State polling, establishment insiders still think Donald Trump won’t grab the nomination, but, if so, when will he stop winning?

They should have taken Jeb out ages ago and told most of the other candidates to give up their fight, too. The only way they could have stopped Trump would have been to dump Jeb early on and back someone with more than barely minimal charisma and popularity. At this point, if the Republicans want the Presidency, they have only one candidate to back and that is Trump. They should help him find someone who can both work with him and balance his appeal, not a Sarah Palin type whom they sabotaged when she ran with McCain. They should also make peace with Trump or they will destroy the party, which is in many ways a lot healthier than the Democrats who have two retirement age candidates slinging it out.


To be perfectly honest, I think they’d prefer to lose. What do you think?


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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.