Photo Credit: courtesy public twitter images

{Reposted from The Lid blog}

This afternoon President Trump gave a speech that he introduced with, “This may be the most important speech I’ve ever made.” In the 45-minute long address, President Trump gave his rationale for the campaign lawsuits and gave many examples of the voter fraud behind the lawsuits and the proof. Not just for the 2020 election but for the future of American elections (the entire video is embedded below) Both Twitter and Facebook added an anti-Trump label to the President’s video post of the speech.


The President previewed the speech on Twitter which added its own comment saying that Trump’s claims are disputed. Hey Jack–DUH! If they weren’t in dispute the campaign wouldn’t have to sue. Your only reason to add the tag at the bottom of the tweet was to disparage the President.

President Trump posted his speech on Facebook. The conservative-hating social media first added a note to claim that Joe Biden won the election, and a few hours later changed the note to basically say there’s no such thing as voter fraud.

Something has to be done about these social media giants.  The President has threatened to veto the defense spending bill if a provision removing social media’s section 230 protection against lawsuits. I doubt that a Section 230 removal will be added to the defense spending bill. But even if Congress doesn’t add the provision,  don’t believe President Trump will veto a defense spending authorization—rebuilding the military is such a key part of his agenda it would be like cutting off his own nose to spite himself.

But while that is being fought out in the beltway, watch the video below that President Trump said may be the most important speech he’s ever made. It’s embedded below (unless Facebook decides to take it down completely).

Something has to be done about these social media giants.  The President has threatened to veto the defense spending bill if a provision removing social media’s section 230 protection against lawsuits. I doubt that a Section 230 removal will be added to the defense spending bill. But even if Congress doesn’t add the provision,  don’t believe President Trump will veto a defense spending

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Jeff Dunetz blogs at Yid with Lid