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The Lid with Jeff Dunetz

    Anti-Semite AOC Trashes ADL For Defending Musk’s Gesture

    She started dumping on Israel with her very first national appearance when running for Congress in 2018:

    We Can Change The World-Together

    Modern Jews also need to change the world because the outside is getting nasty.

    Is New Orleans Police Superintendent Anne Kirkpatrick A Moron?

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt


    Like his first term, Trump’s actions on Jewish Issues will be even greater than his words.

    23 Years Later: The Day That Changed The World

    For God’s sake, what has being nice to terrorist done to make them stop? Negotiation is not possible with these animals…the only way to protect our children’s future is to rally this country to crush the people who want us destroyed.

    Biden’s DNC Speech Included an ** to Israel

    Lies, Half-Truths, And Omissions That Corrupted The Truth

    GOP’s Israel Plank Challenges Democrats

    With significant pro-Israel voters in swing states, this year’s platforms could be more important than ever.

    Passover: A Dangerous Time For Jews

    From The River To Sea They Get The Blues, When They Realize The Holyland Belongs To The Je

    When Presidents Curse–at the ‘Jews’

    Whether the president has been a Democrat or a Republican, and regardless of who happened to be Israel’s prime minister, the phenomenon of a rage-filled or obscenity-laced outburst against Israel or Jews is a recurring feature in the political world.

    The Future President Who Taught The World To “Never Forget”

    Eisenhower ordered every American soldier in the area who was off the front lines to visit Ohrdruf and Buchenwald. He wanted them to see for themselves what they were fighting against.

    Why Do So Many Young Americans Hate Israel?

    Note the contrast between Roosevelt’s response to his youthful critics and the recent responses by President Joe Biden to pro-Hamas protesters

    How Claudine Gay Hurt Harvard

    Money Isn't Everything, But For Harvard It's A Heck Of Alot

    Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Was A Zionist

    MLK believed everyone should be able to live in peace and freedom, no matter how they worshiped God, or the pigment of their skin. He was a fighter for civil rights, and a fighter for Jews and Israel

    Oh My! AP Says “Resignation” Of Harvard’s Gay Was Caused By Racism

    According to the fired Harvard president (do you really believe she resigned?), her resignation was due to hatred; she was the victim.

    UN 242 For Anti-Israel Dummies

    The UN Resolution Some Countries Will Incorrectly Cite After The War

    IMPORTANT MESSAGE: From The Jews To The Gentiles About The High Holidays

    Dear Gentiles, Please read the following memo and remember, when we say "Happy New Year" we don't mean the end of 2018

    Now, The World Recognizes Palestinian Hatred….But For How Long?

    In a rare moment, Mahmoud Abbas was criticized by the U.S. and the E.U. nations...Despite the criticism, Abbas will never change

    Biden’s 5 Biggest Family Business Lies

    Just the 5 BIGGEST, not all the lies. Not by a longshot

    “The Street Was Covered with Blood and Bodies,” The Sbarro Bombing

    22 years after the Sbarro bombing and 9/11, terrorism is still suckling at the teat of political correctness and Western World appeasement.

    July 2nd Is Independence Day, Just Ask John Adams

    The United States is 244 years old. Celebrate! Happy 2nd of July!!

    OMG! Those Socialist SOBs Are Slicing into My Pizza!!!

    You Can Have My Pizza When You Pry It Out Of My Cold Dead Hands


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    Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/blogs/the-lid-jeffdunetz/anti-semite-aoc-trashes-adl-for-defending-musks-gesture/2025/01/23/

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