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{Originally posted to the author’s blogsite, The Lid}

This is how Team Clinton “celebrated” the reelection of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. The day after the election, where Netanyahu won a surprise victory in national elections on handing him his fourth term in office and making him Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, Hillary adviser/President Center for American Progress, Neera Tanden wrote John Podesta an email that said;screen-shot-2016-10-28-at-10-36-52-am


“Israel is depressing It’s a good lesson that the wing nuts are just ruthless in every country,”

“Bad,” replies Podesta.

This site has already out lined Hillary Clinton’s lousy record on the Jewish State, and the lousy record of her advisers, this is just a new warning to people in America who love Israel, what the truth is about Hillary Clinton and the Jewish State.

Remember Hillary Clinton as secretary of state designed Barack Obama’s anti-Israel policies (and her VP candidate is a hero of the anti-Israel group J Street), But the two people on the email exchange, Neera Tanden and her predecessor as head of Center for American Progress (CAP) John Podesta, are more than just anti-Israel. CAP received its starter financing from George Soros and created J Street. Center for American Progress was outed as an anti-Semitic group by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

In lead up to the last election Politico published a piece about how CAP lead by the above two Clinton advisers was fighting to change the Democratic Party to the anti-Israel party. Stories by CAP bloggers had appeared in the vehemently anti-Israel fringe publication The Electronic Intifada. CAP bloggers have also accused American Jews of a dual loyalty, calling them “Israel-Firsters” The Simon Wiesenthal Center called CAP anti-Semitic.

Unfortunately, it’s becoming increasingly difficult in this country to take a position sympathetic to the Jewish state and in favor of the continuation of America’s historic strong alliance with Israel without being called “an Israel Firster” and charged with “dual loyalties.”

A case in point: recent attacks on the Simon Wiesenthal Center by the Center for American Progress (CAP)-associated bloggers on “the far-right Simon Wiesenthal Center, which purports to promote tolerance, [but] basically called Obama a Nazi” for saying that Israel should return to the pre-1967 borders (Ben Armbruster).

CAP blogger Eli Clifton joined Media Matters Senior Foreign Policy Fellow MJ Rosenberg in using Twitter to promote an article accusing the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Museum of Tolerance of pushing “Western groupthink that has for centuries justified wars and countless atrocities against the Arab world . . .[that’s] representative of the way many Americans feel toward Muslims and Arabs — that they are all terrorists.” Rosenberg himself has repeatedly smeared Jewish groups such the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee as “Israel Firsters.”

Neena Tanden is also the co-chair of Hillary’s transition team and will help form the government if (God Forbid) she becomes POTUS. That should scare you about a Hillary foreign policy even more.

Folks you consider yourself a friend of Israel, this should be one more reason why you should vote for Donald Trump.

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Jeff Dunetz blogs at Yid with Lid